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 A quick thought for you following from last weeks discussion  For you to think about and possibly bring to Friday’s discussion  Does an English Rogue.

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2  A quick thought for you following from last weeks discussion  For you to think about and possibly bring to Friday’s discussion  Does an English Rogue in America  an American Rebel make?

3  England of 16 th and 17 th Centuries was a hierarchical place  One area that this played out was in religion  Especially after 1534 when England broke away from Rome  Religion at this time was a central part  individual life  Political and National life

4  It was also changing,  Joe Smith  born 1514  Entered a society with a traditional religion  At 20, 1534, learned the shocking news that the King was the head of his church, not the pope  At 35, had to become a protestant and worship to the English Prayer book  At 39, back to being a Catholic or risk “going to the fire”  1558, Elizabeth took thrown

5  Elizabeth 1  Announced  would not meddle with the consciences of the people  As long as they conformed to the national religion in worship

6  Catholic population  Small approximately 35,000  Recusant Catholics  At this time Puritans were also low in number  But made a noise far larger than their numbers

7  Protestants who had fled under Mary came back  Headed directly to the pagan glories with ax hammer and paintbrush  Checked by royal authority and had to act more discreetly  Turn to political action  And printing  (abusive press led to first press censorship)

8  Ephesians ii:8 “For it is by His grace that you are saved, through trusting him; it is not your own doing. It is God’s gift, not a reward for Work done”  Predestination  Everyone should read the bible  Central point of church service was sermon  Clergy educated enough to preach intelligently and be effective in propagating the Gospel

9  Those with the strongest beliefs  “the hotter type of protestant”  Called themselves “The Godly”  Their lives had a greater focus on living the Puritan ideals  Made much of the difference between  “Credal” predestination  Shallow  “Experimental” predestination

10  Every aspect of the lives of “The Godly” was dominated by predestination  Spent days and nights in a high level of spiritual intensity  Long periods of self-examination and introspection  To reveal that they have been “chosen” by God  Belief that England was an Elect Nation

11  Early 1600s  A couple of (suspected) puritan printers were hung  Law forbade all preaching in private houses  Included  Barns  Open spaces  And woods  i.e. any where but official church

12  Particularly harsh to the separatists  For the separatists  The congregation should choose its own pastor, elder, and other officers  No bishop whether acting for Pope or King should have any control

13  A strong location for the puritans/separatists was London  Leaders of London congregation  John Greenwood & Henry Barrow  Greenwood arrested October 1587  Barrow went to visit him in November  They did not let him go  1592 Francis Johnston chosen as Pastor  1593 Greenwood and Barrow hung

14  Hung under the Anti- catholic act of 1581  Not the only ones to die  Important to note  They were not hung for heresy  But for treason  Taking this as a hint  50 or so of the congregation left for Amsterdam

15  1588 English successfully, if luckily, defeated the Spanish Armada  Allowed for reinforcement of English power

16  1597 Johnston was allowed to follow  Was pastor for 25 years  Church in Amsterdam  known as the First English Church of the Separation

17  24 th March 1603  James VI of Scotland becomes  James I of England  A skillful leader in many ways  Years of experience in Scotland  Made tactical peace with Catholic Spain

18  However, James was frustrated by  challenge to his position as head of the church  Wanted submission to his own idea of the direction of the Church of England  Angered by puritans  Exclaimed against the idea that any  “Jack and Tom and Will and Dick shall meet, and at their pleasure censure me and my Council and all their proceedings”

19  Hampton Court Ceremony 1604  Attempt to resolve issues  English language bible not much else  King James Bible  Attempt to fix the religious understanding of England


21  Catholic recusants increased  Punishment increased  1605 Guy Fawkes & the Gunpowder plot  Not only were Catholics chased and harried  Separatists also came under renewed pressure

22  Difference grows between  Puritans & Pilgrims  Both shared a belief that no one above the congregation should influence local church behavior  Difference was one of temperament  Puritans wanted to “purify” the church  Separatists, “the Godly,” did not believe the reformation of the church was complete  Wanted to “separate” from the Church of England

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