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The GLAIR Cognitive Architecture Stuart C. Shapiro and Jonathan P. Bona Department of Computer Science & Engineering Center for Cognitive Science.

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Presentation on theme: "The GLAIR Cognitive Architecture Stuart C. Shapiro and Jonathan P. Bona Department of Computer Science & Engineering Center for Cognitive Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 cse@buffalo The GLAIR Cognitive Architecture Stuart C. Shapiro and Jonathan P. Bona Department of Computer Science & Engineering Center for Cognitive Science State University of New York at Buffalo

2 cse@buffalo Outline  Overview Integration of Acting and Reasoning Symbol Grounding BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona2

3 cse@buffalo Grounded Layered Architecture with Integrated Reasoning Major Concern: –Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Driving Motivation: –Natural Language Understanding & Generation Additional Concern: –Agents that act Question: –Where do beliefs come from? Partial Answer: –Agent’s being embodied –Agent’s being situated in the world BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona3

4 cse@buffalo BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona 4 KL PMLa PMLb PMLc SAL Mind Body Independent of lower-body implementation Hearing Vision Motion Speech WORLDWORLD I/P s o c k e t s GLAIR Architecture Dependent on lower-body implementation Proprioception

5 cse@buffalo Sensori-Actuator Layer Sensor and effector controllers BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona5

6 cse@buffalo Perceptuo-Motor Layer PMLa PMLb PMLc BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona6

7 cse@buffalo PMLc Abstracts sensors & effectors Body’s behavioral repertoire BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona7

8 cse@buffalo PMLb Translation & Communication –Between PMLa & PMLc Highest layer that knows body implementation BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona8

9 cse@buffalo PMLa Grounds KL symbols –Perceptual structures –Implementation of primitive actions Registers for Embodiment & Situatedness –Deictic Registers –Modality Registers BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona9

10 cse@buffalo The Knowledge Layer Implemented in SNePS Agent’s Beliefs Representations of conceived of entities Semantic Memory Episodic Memory Quantified & conditional beliefs Plans for non-primitive acts Plans to achieve goals Beliefs re. preconditions & effects of acts Policies: Conditions for performing acts Self-knowledge Meta-knowledge BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona 10

11 cse@buffalo Outline Overview  Integration of Acting and Reasoning Symbol Grounding BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona11

12 cse@buffalo SNePS A KRR system Every non-atomic expression is simultaneously –An expression of SNePS logic –An assertional frame –A propositional graph Every SNePS expression is a term –Denoting a mental entity BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona12

13 cse@buffalo Ontology of Mental Entities Entity –Proposition Agent can believe it or its negation Includes quantified & conditional beliefs –Act Agent can perform it –Policy Condition-act rule agent can adopt –Thing Other entities: individuals, categories, properties, etc. BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona13

14 cse@buffalo Policies Reasoning Acting Forward Reasoning whendo(φ, α) wheneverdo(φ, α) Backward Reasoning ifdo(φ, α) BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona14

15 cse@buffalo Types of Acts I External Acts affect the environment supplied by agent designer Mental Acts affect the knowledge layer believe, disbelieve adopt, unadopt Control Acts sequence, selection, loop, etc. BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona15

16 cse@buffalo Types of Acts II Primitive Acts Implemented in PMLa Composite Acts Structured by control acts Defined Acts Defined by ActPlan(α, p) belief BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona16

17 cse@buffalo Acting Reasoning Control Acts snif({if(φ 1, α 1 ), …, if(φ n, α n ), [else(δ)]}) sniterate({if(φ 1, α 1 ), …, if(φ n, α n ), [else(δ)]}) withsome(x, φ(x), α(x), [δ]) withall(x, φ(x), α(x), [δ]) BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona17

18 cse@buffalo Goal Talk GoalPlan(φ, p) achieve(φ) BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona18

19 cse@buffalo Shapiro & Bona Behavior Cycle English (Statement, Question, Command) (Current) Set of Beliefs (Updated) Set of Beliefs Actions(New Belief) English sentence expressing new belief answering question reporting actions Answer NL Analysis NL Generation Reasoning Clarification Dialogue Looking in World Reasoning BICA 2009 19

20 cse@buffalo Outline Overview Integration of Acting and Reasoning  Symbol Grounding BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona20

21 cse@buffalo Shapiro & Bona Entities, Terms, Symbols, Objects Agent’s mental entity: a person named Stu SNePS term: B4 Object in world: 21 BICA 2009

22 cse@buffalo Shapiro & Bona Alignment Mind (KL) Body (PML/SAL) World KL term PML structure Object/PhenomenonAction BICA 200922

23 cse@buffalo Deictic Registers For being situated in the world PML registers hold KL terms I term denoting agent YOU term denoting dialogue partner NOW term denoting current time BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona23

24 cse@buffalo Modality Registers For privileged first-person knowledge of what agent is doing Register for each modality holds KL term denoting act modality is engaged in BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona24

25 cse@buffalo Building Episodic Memory BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona25 KL PML e1 I a1 b1b1 ! t1e2 a2 ! t2 ! NOW COUNT n hom 0 q ! before after event time act agent duration ACT

26 cse@buffalo For More Details See the Paper BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona 26

27 cse@buffalo BICA 2009 Shapiro & Bona27 Collaborators Past and present members of SNeRG: The SNePS Research Group

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