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Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 1 u-Science Center Initial Results of a Camera-based Traffic Emissions Estimation System for Konkuk University.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 1 u-Science Center Initial Results of a Camera-based Traffic Emissions Estimation System for Konkuk University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 1 u-Science Center Initial Results of a Camera-based Traffic Emissions Estimation System for Konkuk University Complex Testbed Telescience WG, PRAGMA 14 March 2008, Taichung, TW J.H. Woo, E.I. Kim, S.B. Lim, Y. Sunwoo, K.H. Hong, Y.J. Kim, K.Y. Chung, Y.R. Kim, Y.H. Choi, H Jeong, N.H. Cho Department of Advance Technology Fusion Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea

2 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 2 u-Science Center Research Team Jung-Hun Woo - Yoo-Jung Kim - Nam-Ho Cho Ki-Ho Hong Eun-Yi Kim - Ki-Yeong Jeong - Yoon-Hee Shin Sang-Beom Lim -You-Lin Jin iETiIT

3 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 3 u-Science Center Background

4 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 4 u-Science Center  U-City is Korea’s vision or strategy for future city and knowledge industry, based on advanced ICT infrastructures  In a “ubiquitous city”, various types of computer/sensors and information systems are built into houses, office buildings, streets; make them connected and their services (residential, medical, business, governmental) available in a ubiquitous and integrated way  U-Services : Anytime, Anywhere  Need-base Services  Need Testbeds Background

5 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 5 u-Science Center u-City Infrastructure Fire alarm, Seismograph, Flood, Fall down (Penetration, Distortion, Temperature, Bright, Vibration,…) Disaster monitoring Fire, Collapsed or Liquidized Soil (Temperature, Smoke, Foundation, …) Physical distribution, Logistic, Quality (Temperature, Humidity, …) Management of growth, Position chase, Machine Condition (Position, Tempuature, Humidity …) Anti-disasterSecurity Health care & Medical care Tracking Environmental Risk Management Others Apps Healthcare, Emergencycare (Physical condition action,…) Weather, Water quality, Shopping Agriculture Air pollution, Vibration, Posionous Gas (SOx, NOx, Dust, Distortion, ….)

6 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 6 u-Science Center Konkuk University Complex  Components : Starcity(Residential & Commercial), Classic500 (Senior Housing), KU Hospital (KUH), KU Main Campus(KUMC)  Starcity - Residential : 1310 Condos (58 floors max.) - Commercial : Multiplex theater, Supermarkets, Mall Area, Restaurants  Classic500 - Residential : 500 Senior Apartments - Under Construction  KU Hospital - 870-bed, 83,000 m 2, 13 flrs + 4 flrs (underground) - 31 units with 4 major specialized centers (Outpatient dept)  KU Main Campus - 20,000 students(incl. 2,000 grads), 589 full-time, and 864 part-time faculty. 12 grad schools and 16 colleges (86 depts and 33 research institutes) - about 1km 2 area (incl. a lake )

7 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 7 u-Science Center Weather Monitoring by AWS Starcity (Res) Weather Station (AWS) Elevated Meteorology (60 th FL) Weather Station (AWS) Surface Meteorology

8 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 8 u-Science Center Starcity (Res) Air Quality Monitoring (NOx, PM 10 ) AQ Monitoring Station Surface Air Quality AQ Monitoring Station Elevated Meteorology

9 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 9 u-Science Center Air Quality Monitors

10 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 10 u-Science Center Traffic Monitoring by Webcam Car : Volume by Types Emissions (MOBILE model) People : Volume Impact

11 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 11 u-Science Center 1 st Year Research

12 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 12 u-Science Center 1 st year research purpose and research flow Camera based traffic parameters estimation To develop an automatic traffic monitoring system to estimate important traffic parameters, such as velocity & number of vehicles, from video sequences of a one cameraTo develop an automatic traffic monitoring system to estimate important traffic parameters, such as velocity & number of vehicles, from video sequences of a one camera Real time onroad mobile source emissions estimation using measured traffic parameters Emissions estimation by hour, pollutants, vehicle typesEmissions estimation by hour, pollutants, vehicle types Distributed data management & delivery service To design distributed data management and delivery service for Emissions MonitoringTo design distributed data management and delivery service for Emissions Monitoring To visualize emissions data using short term test data to design and implementation web based user interface & chartsTo visualize emissions data using short term test data to design and implementation web based user interface & charts Air quality modeling Emissions Model (ex. SMOKE) by hour, grid Emissions = Emission Factor × Activity (VKT) Resolution : by province, annual Conventional onroad mobile source emissions inventory procedure

13 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 13 u-Science Center Camera-based Traffic Parameters Estimation

14 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 14 u-Science Center Camera-based Traffic Parameter Estimation  Our goal is to develop an automatic traffic monitoring system to estimate important traffic parameters from video sequences using only one camera – Traffic density – Average vehicle velocity – Vehicle type  number of vehicles  System Architecture – Client : Network Camera Resolution : 320×240, 30 frame/sec Format : MPEG-4 standard – Server : PC Vision system

15 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 15 u-Science Center Camera monitoring install sites 2nd 08.01.15 3rd 08.01.18~08.01.21 5th 08.02.11~08.2.29 4th 08.02.11 1st 08.01.10~08.01.12

16 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 16 u-Science Center Camera-based Traffic Parameter Estimation  Three major stages to estimate desired traffic parameters – Background estimation – Density estimation – Velocity estimation – Number of vehicles estimation

17 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 17 u-Science Center Input Video Streaming L = 3m t t+ ∆

18 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 18 u-Science Center Background Estimation  The background color is estimated by looking at consecutive frames in the image sequence – The color value that occurred most often is chosen to be the background value at that point.

19 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 19 u-Science Center Results Start FrameEnd FrameV(m/sec)DN 15099 27.7652 0.242222 2100149 19.4964 0.235091 3150199 10.4096 0.220631 4200249 28.3136 0.310433 5250299 13.7456 0.173231 6300349 10.1252 0.21221 7350399 0 00 8400449 18.4924 0.210671 9450499 10.1928 0.172541 10500549 16.8476 0.217181 total50549 12.949030.199419 12

20 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 20 u-Science Center Realtime onroad mobile source emissions estimation using measured traffic parameters

21 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 21 u-Science Center Emissions Estimation General emissions equation Emissions (ton/year) = No. of registered vehicles(veh.) × VKT(km/day-veh.) × 365day/year × Emission Factor(g/km) × 10 -6 Emissions by pollutants, vehicle types, VKT means vehicle kilometer travelled Camera-based realtime emissions estimation (this study) Emissions(g/h) = VKT by vehicle types (km) × Emission Factor (g/km) Emissions by hour, pollutants, vehicle types Hourly VKT (km) = passing traffic average velocity (km/veh.-h) × No. of vehicles(veh.) × 1hr(h) Vehicle types in this study 7 classifications Passenger Cars(include taxi), Buses (light duty), Buses(heavy duty), Trucks(compact car, light duty), Tru cks(middle duty, heavy duty, special vehicle), Two Wheelers, RV(Recreational vehicle)

22 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 22 u-Science Center Hourly VKT by vehicle types Traffic parameter & hourly VKT Distribution of vehicle type Hourly VKT by distribution of vehicle types Data from Camera based Traffic Parameter EstimationData from Seoul registered vehicle in Jan. 2008

23 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 23 u-Science Center Emissions by hour, pollutants, vehicle types Revised emission factor Hourly VKT by vehicle type Emissions by hour, pollutants, vehicle types Data from CAPSS

24 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 24 u-Science Center Distributed data management and service

25 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 25 u-Science Center  Our goal is to develop an distributed data management & delivery service in camera base emissions monitoring system  1 st year research goal – To design distributed data management and delivery service for emissions monitoring testbed – To visualize short term test data in support of design and implementation of web-based user interface  1 st year research results – Distributed data management & delivery service design – Web-based chart and data analysis results through designed UI Distributed Data Management and Service

26 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 26 u-Science Center Distributed Data Management and Service Structure Design Camera data stream convert Module ASF per- second 25frame JPG NB Pub NB Pub NB Topic NB Topic K1 K2 K3 KN Traffic parameter estimation Module K1 NB Su b NB Su b NB Pu b NB Pu b K2 NB Su b NB Su b NB Pu b NB Pu b K3 NB Su b NB Su b NB Pu b NB Pu b KNKN KNKN NB Su b NB Su b NB Pu b NB Pu b K1 Live track 0 K2 Dead track 0 K3 Busy track 0 KN Dead track 0 Pub Live track 0 DB U1 NB Su b NB Su b NB Pu b NB Pu b U2 NB Su b NB Su b NB Pu b NB Pu b U3 NB Su b NB Su b NB Pu b NB Pu b UNUN UNUN NB Su b NB Su b NB Pu b NB Pu b Estimation for air pollutants emissions Module NB Topic NB Topic U1 U2 U3 UN K1 Live track 0 K2 Dead track 0 K3 Busy track 0 KN Dead track 0 Pub Live track 0 JPG NB Topic NB Topic Final Data process Management XML Data pair NB Pub NB Pub NaradaBrokering publisher NB Sub NB Sub NaradaBrokering subscriber NB Topic NB Topic NaradaBrokering Topic

27 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 27 u-Science Center Web-Based Charts of Environmental Data Http:// joomla  Analysis charts service - Emissions Monitoring - Air Quality Monitoring - Meteorology Data

28 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 28 u-Science Center PM 10 emission VOC emission The street of Konkuk University front door emissions monitoring test data analysis results : Feb.19 ~20, 2008 Examples of Emission Monitoring

29 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 29 u-Science Center The street of Konkuk University front door air quality monitoring test data analysis results : Feb.19 ~20, 2008 Examples of Air Quality Monitoring SO 2 PM 10

30 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 30 u-Science Center ChenHo-Dong(KangDong-Gu, Seoul) meteorology data test analysis results : Feb.11~12, 2008 Examples of Meteorology Data Wind speedTemperature

31 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 31 u-Science Center Future Improvements Camera based traffic parameters estimation Real time onroad mobile source emissions estimation using measured traffic parameters Distributed data management & delivery service  Shadow elimination  Vehicle classification  Vehicle tracking  Real time emissions estimation by measured vehicle-fuel types  Meteorological data monitoring  Air quality data monitoring  Automated data transfer implementation  Data model, management, and service implementation

32 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 32 u-Science Center Relation to PRAGMA & Workgroup Meetings Fusion Idea/ work evolution Related Components  Idea initiation  Pilot implementation  Idea expansion  Seed project  Full-scale projects  Related-projects :  Air quality assessment/prediction  Sensor-based air quality monitoring  Camera-based pollutant emissions monitoring  Urban Geography consideration  Policy+Science+Technology (Enviro + IT fusion) : Introductory Fusion Course & Technology Fusion Project (2007. 3~6) : Techno-Fair, Konkuk Univ (2007. 5) : PRAGMA (2007. 9), u-Ecocity Workshop (2007.11) : BK21 Internal Project, Konkuk Univ(2007. 11) : Construction u-City of Seoul by Future Foresight Analysis(2007. 12) - National Cyberinfrastructure Project for Construction Research (2007. 9) - Development of artifical intelligence air quality control and management system for subway stations and tunnels (2007. 12)

33 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 33 u-Science Center Constructing u-City of Seoul by Future F oresight Analysis Building u-City infrastructure for future Seoul Construction of citizen-friendly city of Seoul from foresight analysis and public needs survey. Development of necessary policies Ontology development in support of u-City service Distributed air monitoring and modeling system USN-based service development Sub-project1Sub-project2Sub-project3 Plus… Industrial partners : Lukis Metabuild Genosystem Soltlux Kosec SKK Univ. Konkuk Univ. Univ. of Seoul 2.5 million USD for Five Years (2007~2012) from Seoul Metropolitan Government

34 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 34 u-Science Center System Flow Scheme How is air quality around us?  Ask Monitoring Sensor  Air Quality Monitoring  Air Quality Modeling  Connect with other servies Sharing Data Respository  Register Sensors  Collect monitoring data Open Data Services Middle-ware  Open data services  User-based data services Data Conversion  등록 I think it’s okay In this area  Standardization  Expansion MAMS

35 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 35 u-Science Center Dispersion of Pollutant : CFD Model Cheonggye Stream Micro-scale Air Quality Modeling MAMS (Microscale Air Management System) 3D Building GIS map is being established

36 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 36 u-Science Center 대기 환경 모니터링을 위한 시각화 시스템 AirScope Proceed project and Data Services Share Information in domestic & Abraod ubpages/airscope/

37 Department of ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION 37 u-Science Center

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