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Fall 2011 VISION 2020 The New Gold Standard of University Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2011 VISION 2020 The New Gold Standard of University Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2011 VISION 2020 The New Gold Standard of University Performance

2 Goals Provide the Framework to Achieve Mission, Vision and Strategic Aspirations The University of Akron Vision The University of Akron Mission …we will become a leader in globally competitive clusters of innovation and entrepreneurship, and will maximize human potential in a dynamic environment of inclusive excellence. Goals …we shall create a better common future for our students and society by leveraging our region’s strengths, fostering economic and social vitality and pursuing innovative solutions to major challenges. Student Success Global Relevance Clusters of Interdisciplinary Distinction Collaborations and Partnerships Community and Campus Enhancement Measureable Success 2 Strategic Aspirations 40,000 student learners; 60% graduation rate; 80% placement rate; $200M research expenditures; $1B development portfolio; nationally recognized “The Akron Experience;” revitalized University Park district; leveraged investments with vital partners; increase diversity as part of inclusive excellence; UA the “go to” university for USO & OBR.

3 Assuring Excellence Invvest Disinvest Maintain Invest Move $ to Maintain and Invest 3

4 Liberal Education Science & Technology Innovation Human Condition Entrepreneurial: Advanced Materials & Sustainability Regional Solutions: Urban Life/Education Human Condition: Health Partners: UPA, APS, SEI Partners: ABIA Partners: ABIA, Industry Capitalizing on Internal Collaborations & External Partnerships Economic Development:Trans- Institutional Process Partners: UPA, ABIA, Industry Assuring Excellence - Achieving Distinction (Research Clusters for Innovative Solutions) 4

5 Leadership Agenda Setting: Process of Achieving Strategic Aspirations President’s State of the University Provost’s Future State of Academic Affairs University Council Board of Trustees Assessment Leadership Agenda Reset 5 This process facilitates the ability to progress at a faster rate and to change course as warranted by opportunities and circumstances. NovemberMarchMay July August

6 Achieving Distinction 6 Educated 21 st Century-Skilled Workforce + Innovation = Economic Prosperity The New ‘Cluster Moment’: How Regional Innovation Clusters Can Foster the Next Economy, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, September 21, 2010. National Economic Council, Council of Economic Advisers, and Office of Science and Technology Policy; The Whitehouse, Washington D.C.; February 2011.

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