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Highlighting Resource: Pastor Search Committee Handbook.

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Presentation on theme: "Highlighting Resource: Pastor Search Committee Handbook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlighting Resource: Pastor Search Committee Handbook

2 First Steps: Pray Study The Word Contact Regional Missionary for Assistance Be Sensitive to the Emotions of the Congregation Maintain Open Lines of Communication Preserve the Unity of the Church

3 First Steps: Pray daily for… Your former Pastor and family. Your Church family. Key Church leaders. The selection of the Search Committee. Your future Pastor and family that God has already ordained and is preparing. Positive attitude that God is in control. Personal wisdom and discernment.

4 First Steps: Pray Study The Word Contact Regional Missionary for Assistance Be Sensitive to the Emotions of the Congregation Maintain Open Lines of Communication Preserve the Unity of the Church

5 First Steps: Study The Word The word Pastor means shepherd (Acts 20:28; Ephesians 4:11; I Peter 5:2) The word Bishop means overseer (Acts 20:28; Philipians 1:1; I Timothy 3:1; Titus 1:7; I Peter 5:2) The word Elder is used interchangeably with the pastor/shepherd and overseer roles (Acts 20:17, 28 and I Peter 5:1-3)

6 First Steps: Study The Word The Biblical Profile of a Pastor: I Timothy 3:2-7 Behavior that consistently shows obedience to God Faithfulness in marriage Self-control in spirit and actions Able to make appropriate decisions for the good of the kingdom of God Christian dignity in behavior patterns Effectively teaches the truths of God’s Word Unwilling to let alcohol control him A gentle spirit A peacemaker Actions not motivated by the love of money Spiritual leader of his family Mature in Christian belief and practice Credibility that attracts those outside the church Possess the fruits of the spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23

7 First Steps: Study The Word Other Considerations of a Pastor A man who is industrious – good work ethic A man who has spiritual discernment A man with vision A man with zeal for missions and evangelism A man who builds relationships easily A man who loves and cares for his flock A man who understands denominational cooperation

8 First Steps: Pray Study The Word Contact Regional Missionary for Assistance Be Sensitive to the Emotions of the Congregation Maintain Open Lines of Communication Preserve the Unity of the Church

9 First Steps: Contact Regional Missionary for Assistance Immediate pulpit supply Transitional team preaching schedule Pastor Search Committee training Pastor Search Committee Handbooks Interim Pastor resumes Pastors and Ministerial Staff resumes Church Health Strategist assistance in reading and understanding of resume terminology Neutral site preaching arrangements New Pastor SBCV orientation Pastor-Staff mentoring and fellowship opportunities Pastor-Staff training opportunities

10 First Steps: Pray Study The Word Contact Regional Missionary for Assistance Be Sensitive to the Emotions of the Congregation Maintain Open Lines of Communication Preserve the Unity of the Church

11 Second Steps: Consider Pulpit Supply Options Consider Ministerial Staff Roles Consider Lay Leadership Consider the Church Constitution and By-Laws

12 Third Steps: The Advantages of Interim–Transition Pastor Selecting the Pastor Search Committee Pastor Search Committee Training Pastor Search Committee Handbook

13 Fourth Steps: The Pastor Search Process The Search Committee Officers Adopt a Search Committee Covenant Develop Search Committee Guidelines

14 Fourth Steps: Adopt a Search Committee Covenant As a member of the pastor search committee of ___________________ Baptist Church, I gladly covenant to participate in the work of the committee according to the following agreements. Covenant of Ethical Behavior: I agree to relate to each member in a manner consistent with the ethical standards characterized by Jesus Christ. Covenant of Spiritual Preparation :I agree to make Bible study and prayer ongoing priorities in my life. Covenant of Prayer: I agree to pray daily for each committee member and for the work of the church. Covenant of Unity : I agree to work in unity, not regarding myself as of more value than others, “diligently keeping the unity of the Spirit with the peace that binds us” (Eph. 4:3). Covenant of Honesty and Openness : I agree to be honest and open with others on the committee, always seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance so that the fruit of the Spirit identified in Galatians 5:22-23 will characterize my participation. Covenant of Confidentiality: I agree to refrain from discussing with persons outside the committee, including members of my family, information shared in committee meetings unless the committee agrees to release information to other church members. Covenant of Faithfulness : I agree to remain faithful to the church and its ministries so that church members will have confidence in the committee and so that I can effectively and honestly interpret the work of the church to prospective pastors being considered by the committee.

15 Fourth Steps: The Pastor Search Process The Search Committee Officers Adopt a Search Committee Covenant Develop Search Committee Guidelines

16 Fifth Steps: Understand Theological Concepts Survey Says: Church Profile Survey Says: Pastor Profile Gather Community Profile Set a Deadline for Receiving Resumes

17 Fifth Steps: Survey Says: Pastor Profile 1. Minimum Acceptable Educational Level of New Pastor 2. Prior Pastoral or Professional Ministry Experience Required 3. Acceptable Age Range 4. Acceptable Family Situation 5. Ministry Priorities Check what you think the new pastor’s top five ministry priorities should be. A gifted teacher who enables persons to learn and understand deep spiritual truths An administrator of the church office, giving attention to bulletins, correspondence, newsletter, etc. A person active in associational, state-convention, and denominational life A community volunteer who cooperates in community and denominational activities/programs An effective communicator of well-prepared sermons A skilled counselor available to assist with personal and spiritual problems A person who emphasizes evangelism and the importance of lifestyle witnessing A person who emphasizes discipleship and spiritual growth A person with a leadership vision and a well-developed vision for the future of the church A person who uses praise songs and/or drama in worship (contemporary worship) A person who prefers to feature hymns, gospel songs, prayers, and preaching in worship (traditional worship) A nurturing leader who grows personally and helps others grow A person who communicates well with youth A person who communicates well with preschoolers and children A person who understands and communicates well with senior adults A person who understands and communicates well with single adults A person who emphasizes the importance of strong families

18 Sixth Steps: Reviewing the Resumes Based on Criteria Narrowing the Selection Fab 5 Candidates Profiles, Questionnaires and Interviews

19 Seventh Steps: Viewing and Evaluating the Sermon Video There is Only One #1 Face to Face Visit Additional Interviews Checking References Conducting Background Checks

20 Eighth Steps: Consider Salary Package Covenant of Relationship

21 Ninth Steps: Presenting the Candidate Pastoral Profile Meet and Greet Initial Sermon Voting Procedures

22 Tenth Steps: Welcoming Your New Pastor Installation Service Pastor-Church Relations Team First Year Performance Review


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