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 Project Overview  Hardware Component Change  Software Component  Windows Service  Configuration Application  Credential Provider  Design Limitations.

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Presentation on theme: " Project Overview  Hardware Component Change  Software Component  Windows Service  Configuration Application  Credential Provider  Design Limitations."— Presentation transcript:


2  Project Overview  Hardware Component Change  Software Component  Windows Service  Configuration Application  Credential Provider  Design Limitations  Testing and Integration  Existing Products  Clear Articulation of Multidisciplinary Aspects  Costs

3  Develop a system that allows users to configure automated tasks and login actions based on whether or not a Bluetooth device is detected by software running on their personal computers.  Bluetooth devices will be selected by the user, and will be used to trigger user-specified actions.

4  Bluetooth Locator  USB rechargeable battery  Small/Portable: designed for a key ring

5  Why we’re not making it  People have Bluetooth cell phones  Unnecessarily complex for a small component

6  Windows Service  Activate / Deactivate the program  Launch the configuration application  Tray icon indicates active/inactive

7  Configuration Application  Choose a device to use as a locator  Set login / logout options  Save User Information  Configure the range of detection  Access the help menu

8  Credential Provider  Necessary for logging back into Windows  Interfaces with Windows Login  Why Vista ?

9  Sleeping & Hibernating  Device Battery

10  Component testing  Testing each of the components to make sure they work independently.  Hopefully limit the issues to be faced later on.  Project Integration and Testing  With each component tested and assured for accuracy, integrate the components and test.  Nunit (for C# testing)  Used for unit and acceptance testing.

11  BlueProximity  Open Source program written for Linux  Written in python  Uses Bluetooth device for authentication process in Linux.

12  Rohos  Has two different products, ▪ USB device ▪ Bluetooth device  Uses the device as “security token” for computer.  Access Windows in a “secure way”.

13 Rohos Credential Provider

14  Software Engineering / Computer Science  Credential Provider  Windows Service  Configuration Application  Industrial Design / Electrical Engineering  Portable Bluetooth Locator


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