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Money begets money Dr. Anna Karls Graduate Coordinator Dept. Microbiology UGA.

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Presentation on theme: "Money begets money Dr. Anna Karls Graduate Coordinator Dept. Microbiology UGA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Money begets money Dr. Anna Karls Graduate Coordinator Dept. Microbiology UGA

2 When to apply Now! Before, during, and after graduate and post-doctoral work

3 Graduate Fellowships Early: NSF GRF, NDSEG Fellowships After admitted to candidacy: ASM, NIH, NOAA Completion: Graduate School Dissertation Completion Awards, NSF Dissertation Improvement Awards

4 Sources of Information on Fellowships Government: – UGA OVPR: – ostdoc/ ostdoc/ Other Graduate Schools or Research Offices: –




8 Talk with the Graduate School At UGA we are very lucky to have tuition waivers associated with Graduate, Teaching and Research Assistantships BUT, the waiver is loss when you get a fellowship So, talk with the graduate school when you apply for a fellowship. Some fellowships pay full tuition, some do not; so ask about your options if full tuition does not come from the fellowship


10 Grants-in-aid and dissertation improvement awards


12 Post-doctoral Fellowships Look for your post-doc at least 6 months before completing your PhD Begin writing fellowship proposals before starting your post-doc Even if your advisor has money for you, apply for independent fellowships




16 Preparing Your Application The reviewers have very little time with each application (for NSF Graduate Research Fellowships the reviewer has less than 30 minutes to read the whole folder, including the recommendation letters, give it a score and write comments) so make yours stand out for its excellent organization and clarity.

17 READ the application instructions carefully Click on all the links and follow any tips, such as examples of Broader Impacts for NSF proposals References: ask early, provide the instructions, give updated drafts of proposal (ask for comments) and CV If need Transcript or GRE scores, request these EARLY Make your CV work for you- highlight sections and put most important information early (publications, presentations, awards)

18 Start a draft of your specific aims and then talk with cohorts and faculty. Revise draft based on input and start to write the details of the approaches, explaining the “why do it” and “what you will learn” for each approach. Highlight the hypothesis. Briefly address Potential Problems and Alternative Approaches after each aim. Have at multiple peers and your advisor read it for comments. Check for misspelling or grammatical errors. NEVER submit a proposal will easily corrected errors.

19 Reviews and Revision Rejection is a part of life. Deal with it. Thank the reviewers for insightful comments and address all of the criticisms AND the affirmations. Resubmit if you are eligible! Have colleagues look at the comments and your revision to make sure you really addressed everything.

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