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National Research Support Project Proposal National Animal Nutrition Program Duration: 5 years Administrative Advisors: Nancy Cox – Southern Region (Lead)

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Presentation on theme: "National Research Support Project Proposal National Animal Nutrition Program Duration: 5 years Administrative Advisors: Nancy Cox – Southern Region (Lead)"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Research Support Project Proposal National Animal Nutrition Program Duration: 5 years Administrative Advisors: Nancy Cox – Southern Region (Lead) David Benfield – North Central Region CSREES Representative: National Program Leader – Animal Nutrition

2 A Mission-Driven Effort l Focuses on addressing a serious national problem and filling a void in science-based research resources. l Focuses on a systematic approach for keeping current the process for collecting, assembling, synthesizing, and disseminating science-based information, educational tools, and enabling technologies on nutrient requirements of agricultural animals – swine, beef cattle, dairy cattle, and poultry.

3 The Current Research-Support Need l In 1944, the National Research Council began publishing estimates of nutrient requirements for domestic animals, which were originally updated every 3 - 5 years, but later every 6 - 8 years, and now most are >10 years old due to lack of funding. l No immediate plans to update (except possibly swine). l Process has remained the same over the past 65 years. l Need for a contemporary and cost-effective approach. NRC Publication Current Publication Years Outdated Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle20018 Nutrient Requirements of Swine199811 Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle199613 Nutrient Requirements of Poultry199415 Tables of Feed Composition198227

4 National Animal Nutrition Program Objectives l Support animal-related research and develop a current, comprehensive, science-based nutrition foundation that is easily accessible and publicly available. l Expand and enhance feed databases and partner on models to facilitate research, education, and extension. l Increase linkage of nutrition information to other scientific endeavors by disseminating tools through “real time” global communication efforts. l Improve animal nutrition infra-structure for researchers, education, and extension professionals, and the regulatory and industry communities that rely on animal nutrition information.

5 The National Animal Nutrition Program Building on Existing Strengths, Collaborations, and Integration l Organized to link, facilitate, and support animal-nutrition research and education among universities, SAES, CSREES, and ARS. l Serve to connect FDA, EPA, NRCS, and the animal production and feed industries with the animal science community. l Leverage funding from USDA, FDA, and the feed industry to enhance the sharing of animal nutrition resources: tools, data, animal populations, and bioinformatics. l Resulting products support the research community, the commodity groups, industry, and government regulatory agencies by providing conclusive information on nutrient requirements, feed composition, diet and health, nutritional efficiency, and modeling nutrient needs under various production conditions.

6 l Coordinating Animal Nutritionists A group of animal nutritionists who will coordinate, oversee, and integrate the activities of the species and enabling committees. l Species Technical Committees Four groups of animal nutritionists that will develop and maintain nutrient requirements for swine, beef cattle, dairy cattle, and poultry. l Enabling Technology Committees Two groups that will maintain (1) a database on nutrient composition of feed ingredients and (2) modeling technologies to help predict nutrient requirements. l Administrative Advisors l CSREES Representative l Industry Representatives One or more for each Species Technical Committee. The National Animal Nutrition Program Components

7 Annual Budget $40,000Coordinating Animal Nutritionists (chair) $40,000Swine Coordinator $40,000Beef Cattle Coordinator $40,000Dairy Cattle Coordinator $40,000Poultry Coordinator $40,000Feed Database Coordinator $40,000Predictive Technologies (Models) Coordinator $70,000National Research Council $350,000Total MRF Requested $511,000In-kind Support Anticipated $70,000Federal Agency Support Anticipated $70,000Industry Support Anticipated $1,001,000Total Estimated Annual Cost National Animal Nutrition Program Budget and Business Plan

8 National Animal Nutrition Program Summary l Utilizes the strengths of existing individual, state, regional, and national networks of university expertise l Leverages funding from a variety of sources Cost-effectiveness provides incentive for different sectors to support l Species technical committees continually in place, rather than ad hoc, to summarize current research, disseminate new estimates Increases efficiencies l Feed composition data continually updated and applied across all species, rather than compiled ad hoc for each species Reduces duplication l Support technologies for modeling all species maintained, updated Provides organized modern technological support currently not available l Working with NRC to explore possible blending of efforts/strengths.

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