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Goals for today’s discussion 1.Describe the rationale for an addendum 2.Discuss the process 3.Describe the draft strategic imperatives (small groups)

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Presentation on theme: "Goals for today’s discussion 1.Describe the rationale for an addendum 2.Discuss the process 3.Describe the draft strategic imperatives (small groups)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Goals for today’s discussion 1.Describe the rationale for an addendum 2.Discuss the process 3.Describe the draft strategic imperatives (small groups) 4.Plenary discussion (full group) 5.Outline next steps

3 Rationale for an addendum to Authentically Augustana Authentically Augustana has… Provided strong guidance to the organization Advanced the college Authentically Augustana is… 85% complete Operational

4 Rationale for an addendum to Authentically Augustana Augustana faces a changed environment… The new economy Demographic shifts Financial realities for the college Unfinished business Increased attention to outcomes

5 Why planning? Forces a look into the future Provides better awareness of needs Helps define objectives Provides a sense of direction, continuity and focus Plugs everyone into the system and provides accountability

6 Keys to success Campus involvement Measurable “Mission-centered and market-smart” Connect the dots

7 DESIRED OUTCOMES–Part 1 An addendum to Authentically Augustana that: Enhances the student learning experience Strengthens our position as a college Affirms and strengthens our mission Clearly highlights our strengths and distinctions Identifies and stabilizes/manages the risks to the college Is built around measurable outcomes Engages and mobilizes our community and others who love the college

8 DESIRED OUTCOMES–Part 2 An outcome-oriented dashboard Different benchmarks for measuring effectiveness Community-wide opportunities to implement strategic direction A “rubric” to follow for strategic decision-making

9 The charge to the planning committee 1.Propose an addendum to Authentically Augustana 2.Plan should be a “bridge” between Authentically Augustana and a comprehensive planning process that may commence within the next three years 3.Emphasize outcomes 4.Solicit community input 5.Present draft plan to the President by December 10

10 The planning committee Kent Barnds-chair Ellen Hay Evelyn Campbell Margaret Farrar Scott Park Chris Vaughan Darlene Link Mike Wolf Sangeetha Rayapati Jon Clauss Tom Leach (trustee) Anna Knepler (student) Meghan Cooley Mark Salisbury (staff resource)

11 Process NOW HOW WHERE

12 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS IN PLANNING Did not start with mission, vision and values Did not start new—chose to do an addendum Focused on risk, risk minimization and strengthening our position by formulating our strategic initiatives around the upside of the risks we face

13 A MOMENT ON RISK Three degrees of risk… Risks facing everyone in higher education Risks facing everyone that we might be better positioned to address Risks that impact us more than others

14 STRATEGIC IMPERATIVES 1.Innovating Recruitment and Retention 2.Funding a High-Impact Future 3.Preparing our Students to Stand Out 4.Advancing Augustana Value Proposition 5.Optimizing, Supporting and Diversifying our Workforce 6.Enhancing our Campus 7.Celebrating and Strengthening our Surroundings 8.Strengthening Shared Governance and Communication


16 The work of the planning committee and design teams Task Force appointed in July Step 1: Assessed progress on Authentically Augustana Step 2: Identified “signature” programs/decisions Step 3: Reexamined risks to the college Step 4: Identified contemporary risks to the college Step 5: Developed eight (8) strategic imperatives to respond to the most significant risks (October 2010) Step 6: Appointed “design teams” to develop tactics to support each strategic imperative (October 2010) Step 7: Design teams identified strategic initiatives, improvement targets and measures Step 8: Preliminary report submitted to the President (December 2010) Step 9: Stakeholder discussions (January & February 2011) Step 10: Develop implementation plans Step 11: Seek final Board approval (May 2011)


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