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Reflection in EPICS William Oakes EPICS Program Purdue University.

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1 Reflection in EPICS William Oakes EPICS Program Purdue University

2 Service-Learning Definition We define service learning as a type of experiential education in which students participate in service in the community and reflect on their involvement in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content and of the discipline and its relationship to social needs and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility. - Hatcher and Bringle, 1997

3 Reflection in Service-Learning Reflection (and Analysis)  Participants are intentionally guided through activities to analyze and reflect upon the work that is being performed and the larger social issues..  Metacognitive activities including reflection improve learning  Metacognition can help students understand academic material covered by the course  Activities for analysis and reflection can take several forms

4 Why do we need reflection? Connect service to academic learning  Metacognitive activity  Students compartmentalize experiences and learning Draw out learning  Students may miss learning opportunities if not pointed out  How is the service connected to STEM? Address student reaction and/or experience from service  Were stereotypes challenged or reinforced?  Was there unintended learning?

5 Methods for Reflection Written questions  Notebooks (journals)  Essays – collect in Blackboard Small group discussions Class discussions Readings  Reaction to readings  Connect to service or context Combinations

6 Reflection Model Technical Level or Discipline Specific Personal Values Social Systems and Issues Developed by Edward Zlotkowski

7 How much is enough? Janet Eyler (Vanderbilt) studied reflection  Amount of reflection was not a significant factor in effectiveness  Key elements were intentional (targeted at learning objectives) and frequent

8 Practice! Think of an example of a community partner or project for a local service- learning project  What is/are the larger social need(s) that this partner/project is addressing?

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