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Outer Dimensions Component Length (in)Width (in)Height (in)Inch cube Main Case 2.912.251.389.04 Component Diam (in)Height (in)Inch cube Side Case

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Presentation on theme: "Outer Dimensions Component Length (in)Width (in)Height (in)Inch cube Main Case 2.912.251.389.04 Component Diam (in)Height (in)Inch cube Side Case"— Presentation transcript:

1 Outer Dimensions Component Length (in)Width (in)Height (in)Inch cube Main Case 2.912.251.389.04 Component Diam (in)Height (in)Inch cube Side Case Components Inch cube Total Volume: 9.44

2 Weight of Components ComponentsWeight (oz) Microcontroller- Reader0.441 Keypad- Magnetometer0.028 Battery0.770 Side Motor0.229 Side Motor0.229 Middle Motor0.060 Case Total1.34 TOTAL:3.07

3 Heat Analysis – Hand Calculations  Conduction caused by air:  Section of chip 0.1” x 0.1”  A=6.45*10 -6 m 2  Q= -KA (dT/dx)  Q Total =1.6W  Q Part =1.6W/210 = 0.00762W  K= (about) 0.0257 Wm -1 K -1  dT/dx = Q/(-KA)  dT/dx = 0.00762/(0.0257*6.45*10 -6 ) = 45969 degC/m =649 degF/in =64.9 degF/0.1in Chip Air

4 Heat – Experimental Results Null hypothesis: Average temperature < 120 deg F 95% Confidence Alpha = 0.05 Mean=113.9 P-Value=1.00 Fail to reject null hypothesis

5 Heat – Analytical Analysis Case thermal conductivity = 0.2 Wm -1 K -1 Outside case temp set to 20 deg F Top of chip set to 130 deg F Bottom of chip insulated

6 Schematic of Build (outer case)

7 Schematic of Build (Battery)

8 Schematic of Build (RFID)

9 Schematic of Build (PCB)

10 Schematic of Build (Keypad)

11 Schematic of Build (Cover)

12 Schematic of Build (Motor Case)

13 P12015: Bill of Materials TypePartManufacturerManufacturer Part #QuantityUnit PriceShipping CostTotal Cost ($) Component 900 MHz 8 dBi Flat Patch Antenna - 4ft SMA Male ConnectoL-com Global ConnectivityHG908P-SM1$54.99$10.95$65.94 Component Precision Haptic 10mm Vibration Motor - 15mm Type model 1Precision Microdrives310-0013$7.56 $22.68 Component Precision Haptic 10mm Vibration Motor - 15mm Type model 2Precision Microdrives310-0022$7.56 $15.12 ComponentPico Vibe 12mm Vibration Motor - 3.4mm TypePrecision Microdrives312-1011$6.48$17.97$24.45 Component 3D Compass and Accelerometer Carrier with Voltage Regulators Pololu Robotics & ElectronicsLSM303DLH1$19.95 ComponentLSM303DLH Tilt Compensated Compass ChipST Micro ElectronicsCOM-097571$6.95$3.86$10.81 ComponentPolymer Lithium Ion Battery - 1000mAhSparkfun ElectronicsPRT-003391$11.95 Component16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power MicrocontrollerTexas InstrumentsMSP430F5438A1$12.13 ComponentSmall KeypadFuturlec ElectronicsKEYPADSM1$2.20$4.00$6.20 ComponentSkyeModule M9SkyeTekM9 V.080527 ComponentPCB 1$300.00 ComponentIC BATT CHRGR LI+ 1CELLMAXIMMAX1555EZK+TCT-ND2$2.37 $4.74 ComponentIC REG LDO 3.3/ADJ 500MAMAXIMMAX1818EUT33+T2$3.25 $6.50 ComponentIC USB FS SERIAL UARTFTDIFT232RL2$4.50 $9.00 CaseRod, ABS, Beige, 1 In Dia x 1 Ft LGrainger1ZBU61$8.59 Case RIT-1.998$10.00 $19.98 Total Cost:$538.04

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