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Cura EMR Data Collection Solution Presenters: Meghan McNeil (Project Manager) Michael Cybulski (Customer Liaison) Robert Victoria (Project Facilitator)

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Presentation on theme: "Cura EMR Data Collection Solution Presenters: Meghan McNeil (Project Manager) Michael Cybulski (Customer Liaison) Robert Victoria (Project Facilitator)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cura EMR Data Collection Solution Presenters: Meghan McNeil (Project Manager) Michael Cybulski (Customer Liaison) Robert Victoria (Project Facilitator) Vu Bui (Artifacts Manager)

2 Project Overview What is Cura? ◦Cura is an electronic medical record system for use by medical personnel to easily collect and store patient personal and medical information Motivation for Cura ◦Store medical information in one secure location ◦Be able to easily retrieve patient medical information quickly

3 Domain Research Investigated medical staff roles, medical staff permissions, and data entry fields Needed to apply domain knowledge on hospital check-in procedures Constraints ◦Make usable on a tablet PC ◦Set permissions for different users

4 Overview of Features Provide templates to easily add patient medical information Patients can view medical records and edit personal information online Create staff roles and assign default permissions to them Add and remove permissions on a user by user basis Upload test results, scans, and other files into patient medical record

5 Risk Analysis Patients adding/editing/removing their medical history, allergies, and medication online Patients accidentally leaving out medication/allergy information Allowing users to only see information they are “allowed” to see.

6 Use Case Diagram – Admin

7 Use Case Diagram – Doctor

8 Use Case Diagram – Nurse

9 Use Case Diagram – Receptionist

10 Use Case Diagram – Patient

11 Static Structure Class Model

12 Static Structure Class Model (cont.)

13 Sequence Diagrams


15 State Diagrams

16 SessionManager Patient Selected Patient Checked In Patient Checked Out Select Patient Add doctor visit Patient Released State Diagrams (Cont.)

17 Prototype Demo PatientStaff

18 Scenario(s) Prose description of scenario illustrating prototype functionality ◦Give sequence diagram(s) for scenarios

19 Sequence Diagram for Scenario Additional scenarios with additional sequence diagrams

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