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Port-opia By:Carnell Travis dj November 14,2011. The City  Connected by a light rail, roads, and a boardwalk  Which minimizes the traffic  Minimizes.

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Presentation on theme: "Port-opia By:Carnell Travis dj November 14,2011. The City  Connected by a light rail, roads, and a boardwalk  Which minimizes the traffic  Minimizes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Port-opia By:Carnell Travis dj November 14,2011

2 The City  Connected by a light rail, roads, and a boardwalk  Which minimizes the traffic  Minimizes the amount of teen car accidents  Contains  Apartments  Sidewalks  Multi-purpose Buildings (offices, banks, recusants)  Town hall  Parking lots  Police, Firehouse, and Hospital  Shopping  YMCA  Museum

3 City Transportation  Light Rail  Roads  Boardwalk

4 The Light Rail  Provides  safe, reliable, convenient and cost-effective transit service  Allows residents to travel from the Town to the city, and from the city to anywhere else

5 The Boardwalk…  Is between the  City and the Shore  Shore and the Town  City and the Town  Reduces pollution  Teens, children, and others to take a nice stroll of bike ride  Sit an watch the sun set  Allows a quick walk to any surrounding features

6 The Roads  Our roads take residents in and out of town to other towns.

7 Apartments  These are more expensive because they are closer to the shore  Near the major shopping and food areas  In the city  Convenience

8 Multi-purpose Buildings  Good use for space  Travel Agents  Restaurants  Office spaces  Banks  Doctors/Dentists  YOU NAME IT, we have it  There are several located through out our city

9 Town Hall/City Hall  The mayors office  Where we have our meetings  Come together to legislate policy and budgets for local government  operating budgets, laws and other matters for the community's operation  Handle matters  Such as parking tickets, etc..

10 Parking Lot  We have two parking lots to minimize the amount of land space that people would take up with their cars  Each parking lot is free

11 Emergencies  Our town has our own  Hospital  Police station  Fire house  We didn’t want to have to travel in cases of emergencies  Open 24 hours

12 Plaza  Instead of a Mall  For environmental concerns  Provides entertainment for  Soccer moms  Bored teens  Allows residents with a place where they may spend time relaxing and spending money  Everything is conveniently in arms reach  Children can skate around  Residents can even grab a ice cream cone

13 The YMCA & Museum YMCA  Has  A pool, basketball court, gym, etc..  Provides youth development  Instills greater interest in learning and making smarter life choices  There are elderly programs  Bingo, exercises, etc.  HAS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE  Explore unique talents and interests Museum  Provides educational and fun things to observe

14 The Town  Near the water  Connected to other town by light rails and roads  Consists  Sidewalks  Housing  Town houses, apartments, cottages, and multi family houses  Camping sites  Playgrounds  Parking lot  Daycare  Schools  Church  Theater  Library  Shopping  Small markets and delis

15 housing  Our town is not segregated  People re not judged by income  Everyone lives together  Children develop a sense of empathy  For people from other walks of life  diverse  There is affordable housing for everyone  Townhouses  Apartments  Cottages  Multi-family houses

16 The Camp sites/nature walks  Provide the perfect opportunity for families to bond  Whether it is for  Soccer moms  Bored teenagers  Families with small children  Elderly

17 School  2 schools  Grades 1-5  Grades 6-8  Children will attend school with the same people for several years  Develops a bond  Teens will travel out of town for high school

18 Church  A nondenominationa l service  No special treatment; as in discrimination


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