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 Population: N=100,000  Scan rate  = 4000/sec, Initially infected: I 0 =10  Monitored IP space 2 20, Monitoring interval:  = 1 second Infected hosts.

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Presentation on theme: " Population: N=100,000  Scan rate  = 4000/sec, Initially infected: I 0 =10  Monitored IP space 2 20, Monitoring interval:  = 1 second Infected hosts."— Presentation transcript:

1  Population: N=100,000  Scan rate  = 4000/sec, Initially infected: I 0 =10  Monitored IP space 2 20, Monitoring interval:  = 1 second Infected hosts  estimation

2  Viruses vs Worms vs Trojans  Types of viruses  Virus detection  Virus defense  Good viruses = bad idea 2

3  Due tomorrow  Make sure you mention the venue in the title: o Conference or journal name, year of publication o If from workshop, mention also the main conference that this workshop is associated with  Make sure you include citations if you o Use figures or equations from paper o Use some text verbatim o Talk about ideas from another related paper o Like this “In [2] authors say that …” and then have reference [2] in the reference section 3

4  Spread on July 12 and 19, 2001  Exploited a vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Information Server that allows attacker to get full access to the machine (turned on by default)  Two variants – both probed random machines, one with static seed for RNG, another with random seed for RNG (CRv2)  CRv2 infected more than 359,000 computers in less than 14 hours o It doubled in size every 37 minutes o At the peak of infection more than 2,000 hosts were infected each minute 4

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6  43% of infected machines were in US  47% of infected machines were home computers  Worm was programmed to stop spreading at midnight, then attack o It had hardcoded IP address so White House was able to thwart the attack by simply changing the IP address-to-name mapping  Estimated damage ~2.6 billion 6

7  Spread on January 25, 2003  The fastest computer worm in history o It doubled in size every 8.5 seconds. o It infected more than 90% of vulnerable hosts within 10 minutes o It infected 75,000 hosts overall  Exploited buffer overflow vulnerability in Microsoft SQL server, discovered 6 months earlier 7

8  No malicious payload  The aggressive spread had severe consequences o Created DoS effect o It disrupted backbone operation o Airline flights were canceled o Some ATM machines failed 8

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10  Both Slammer and Code Red 2 use random scanning o Code Red uses multiple threads that invoke TCP connection establishment through 3-way handshake – must wait for the other party to reply or for TCP timeout to expire o Slammer packs its code in single UDP packet – speed is limited by how many UDP packets can a machine send o Could we do the same trick with Code Red?  Slammer authors tried to use linear congruential generators to generate random addresses for scanning, but programmed it wrong 10

11  43% of infected machines were in US  59% of infected machines were home computers  Response was fast – after an hour sites started filtering packets for SQL server port 11

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13 13  Discovered in June/July 2010  Targets industrial equipment  Uses Windows vulnerabilities (known and new) to break in  Installs PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) rootkit and reprograms PLC o Without physical schematic it is impossible to tell what’s the ultimate effect  Spread via USB drives  Updates itself either by reporting to server or by exchanging code with new copy of the worm

14  Many worms use random scanning  This works well only if machines have very good RNGs with different seeds  Getting large initial population represents a problem o Then the infection rate skyrockets o The infection eventually reaches saturation since all machines are probing same addresses 14 “Warhol Worms: The Potential for Very Fast Internet Plagues”, Nicholas C Weaver

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16  Worm can get large initial population with hitlist scanning  Assemble a list of potentially vulnerable machines prior to releasing the worm – a hitlist o E.g., through a slow scan  When the scan finds a vulnerable machine, hitlist is divided in half and one half is communicated to this machine upon infection o This guarantees very fast spread – under one minute! 16

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18  Worm can get prevent die-out in the end with permutation scanning  All machines share a common pseudorandom permutation of IP address space  Machines that are infected continue scanning just after their point in the permutation o If they encounter already infected machine they will continue from a random point  Partitioned permutation is the combination of permutation and hitlist scanning o In the beginning permutation space is halved, later scanning is simple permutation scan 18

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20  Worm can get behind the firewall, or notice the die-out and then switch to subnet scanning  Goes sequentially through subnet address space, trying every address 20

21  Several ways to download malicious code o From a central server o From the machine that performed infection o Send it along with the exploit in a single packet 21

22  Three factors define worm spread: o Size of vulnerable population  Prevention – patch vulnerabilities, increase heterogeneity o Rate of infection (scanning and propagation strategy)  Deploy firewalls  Distribute worm signatures o Length of infectious period  Patch vulnerabilities after the outbreak

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