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Kuliah 3 Teknik Presentasi Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi

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Presentation on theme: "Kuliah 3 Teknik Presentasi Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kuliah 3 Teknik Presentasi Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi

2 Design is a visual language built on fundamental principles and elements

3 The elements of design refer to “what” are used. The principles of design refer to “how” they are used.


5 The principles of design are based on the Gestalt Theory of Visual Perception

6 The Gestalt Theory of Visual Perception The whole is different from the sum of its parts.

7 The Gestalt Theory of Visual Perception


9 Which of those two pictures is easier to remember?

10 The Gestalt Theory of Visual Perception A greater image may be very different from the components


12 Unity Variety Hierarchy & Focal Point BalanceProximity Rhythm & Repetition Scale


14 To group similar elements visually and try to find the relationships that exist between them.

15 A design that is void of unity is usually chaotic and uncomfortable to view.

16 Left: Unity. Right: Lack of unity.



19 Too much unity is boring. The great design needs adding different elements for visual interest or variety. But too much variety can cause confusion.

20 Left: Too much variety. Right: Too much unity.

21 Typography in the same style and size, and a pastel color palette helped to unify. But the central image on each is unique, helping to create variety and differentiate one title from the next.



24 Hierarchy is achieved by determining dominance or emphasizing one design element over another

25 It is important that one element be dominant to give the viewer’s eye a focal point

26 The most dominant element is the typography

27 The photograph is the most dominant element

28 The Indian and horse represent the largest group of shapes


30 Lack of clear visual hierarchy is the reason many designs fail to attract and hold a viewer’s attention

31 All have equal emphasis


33 Balance in a design refers to the equal distribution of visual weight in a layout

34 Left: Balance, Right: Imbalance

35 BalanceSymmetricalAsymmetricalRadial

36 When one side of a design is exactly the same as the other side, it is called symmetrical balance or classical balance or formal balance.



39 In an asymmetrical layout, balance is achieved with an unequal arrangement of elements


41 symmetrical (left) and asymmetrical (right)

42 Interior Design Symmetrical

43 Radial balance can be described as balance that radiates out from a central focal point. This type of balance is commonly used when a dynamic focal point is required.

44 Radial balance can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical depending on the location of its focal point.

45 Left: Asymmetrical radial balance. Right: Symmetrical balance.


47 Proximity is a spatial relationship between items. The closer things are to one another, the more they must be related.



50 Rhythm is created by repeating exact or slightly different elements in a predictable manner. It differs from repetition in the degree of duplication of elements and a feeling of pacing.

51 Repetition (left) and Rhythm (right)

52 Rhythm Examples



55 Interior Design



58 Scale is the size relationships between the various elements in a layout and can be used to control emphasis and hierarchy. A sense of perspective, or the illusion of depth, is an aspect of scale.



61 Pertanyaan?

62 Tugas 3: Esai Buatlah sebuah esai yang menjelaskan tentang proses desain. Deadline: 5 April 2011 Send to:

63 Terima Kasih

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