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W ELCOME TO UMSL! Introduction to MyGateway
L OGIN P AGE MyGateway link on MyGateway SSO ID and password must be entered to login (circled)
H OME T AB Successful login takes you to this page. The My Courses box: contains a list of your courses for the current semester. My Organizations box: shows organizations that have added you to their rosters. The Student Email link (arrow) opens your campus email in a new tab.
S TUDENT E MAIL Students are given Windows Live accounts. Emails are processed through the OutlookWebApp. Windows Live does not use the same password as the SSOID password. Please change the password to something you will remember even the same password as the SSOID password.
T HE W RITING L AB (H OME T AB ) Located at SSB 222. It’s a facility to help students in writing papers for different classes. Students can self enroll in the writing lab by clicking on the link provided on MyGateway in The Writing Lab @ UMSL box. This will add Resource -- Online Writing Lab to your My Courses as a quick link to the Writing Lab site.
M ORE ON THE W RITING L AB Or, go to Register on this site and follow the instructions to either submit a paper or schedule an appointment. The Writing Lab is a useful place to get help with almost any writing issues, from brainstorming to polishing a final draft. The Writing Lab does NOT proof read papers.
C OURSE /O RGANIZATION P AGES (H OME T AB ) Course and Organization pages have a left-side navigation bar that contains buttons such as Announcements, Discussions, Tools, and Assignments (chosen by the instructor or administrator).
T OOLS S ECTION (C OURSE P AGES ) The Tools section in course pages, contains links to: Check posted grades Email instructor or classmates NetTutor Wimba online classroom And more
B LACKBOARD COLLABORATE (P RONTO ) (T OOLS S ECTION ) A messenger to communicate with students and faculty from UMSL. Go to the Tools menu in one of the courses. Click on Wimba Pronto to download it onto your computer. Create your account on Pronto, set up a password, and start communicating. Note: Changing your SSO password does not change your password on Pronto as this is an application outside of UMSL.
N ET T UTOR (T OOLS S ECTION ) NetTutor has online chatrooms that offer help in various subjects.
S TUDENTS T AB This page displays your academic profile and has tools to help keep track of your academic record.
S TUDENT J OB L ISTINGS (S TUDENTS T AB ) Clicking on a specific listing will take you to a page containing the job’s details.
M Y A CADEMIC T OOLBOX (S TUDENTS T AB ) Has links to class schedule, final grades, online testing appointments and other academic records. Majority of these links redirect to MyView. Link to DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System) shows your academic progress toward a degree.
M Y O NLINE T ESTING A PPOINTMENTS Clicking on this link brings up a new tab with upcoming online tests (if applicable). Select the appropriate test from the drop- down menu for available exams and then click on Check Available Dates. Select the date and time that suits you and then click on Make Appointment to schedule an online test.
O NLINE T ESTING C ENTER (G UIDELINES ) Tests are taken without any outside materials including books, notes or exploring the internet unless noted by the instructor. Exams can be scheduled around the students available times and outside of their class times. We have 2 testing centers, one on south and one on north campus.
L IBRARY T AB Contains links for searching the catalogue offered by UMSL’s library, online article databases, and interlibrary loan (MERLIN and MOBIUS).
K NOWLEDGE B ASE T AB It is a search engine in development for use to search for questions student might have about software and technology. Type in the question in the box pointed below and click on the Search button.
E XAMPLE Suppose we want to connect a device to UMSL’s wireless network TritonNet with a smartphone. Users can search for wi-fi to find out what works with wi-fi.
M Y V IEW Can be accessed through UMSL homepage or by typing in your web browser. Use SSO ID and password to login. Click on the Self Service link on the sidebar (shown below) to reach the self service page.
S ELF S ERVICE P AGE (M Y V IEW ) Has links to various important information concerning students. Class Schedule, Registration Financial Information, Pay your Bill Grades, Academic Advisors Mailing Address, Contact Number
S TUDENT C OMPUTER L ABS SSB 103 – Windows 7, Macs, Scanning, Color Printing, tutors. Mathematics and Writing Academic Center (SSB 222) – Windows 7, MediaScapes, tutors. Quantitative Resource Lab (SSB 452) – Windows 7, Printing, tutors. Thomas Jefferson Library Research Commons – Windows 7, Macs, Scanning, Color Printing. Benton 232 – Windows 7, Scanning, Printing. Math TLC – Windows 7, Printing, tutors. E. Desmond Lee TLC (South Campus) – Windows 7, Macs, Scanning, Color Printing. Ward E. Barnes Library (South Campus) – Windows 7, Scanning, Color Printing. Tutors for different courses are available in some of the labs. The schedule can be found at:
T RITONAPPS TritonApps is an internet based remote application service. It allows students to access programs online they may not otherwise have such as Excel 2010. It is available at
P APERCUT PaperCut is a program that monitors printing on IC computers. It is for statistical purposes and is not for tracking the documents being printed. It enforces IC printing policies by denying print jobs exceeding copies or number of pages for print jobs. It allows users to track how many pages they have printed as well as see their ecological impact.
K: D RIVE Network File storage is a service that allows you to use your free Unix space (up to 500MB for students) as a network drive to store your documents. These files can then be accessed from any lab or classroom computer (automatically maps as drive K:) or from home. On Macintosh computers the K drive is known as SAMBA
T RITON N ET TritonNet, the UMSL wireless network. To get connected, you must register your computer with TritonNet. You will be able to browse the internet immediately after registration. The registration web page should open automatically the first time you try browsing the web from a wireless connection You still need to login to the VPN Client if you want access to secure resources, such as your network storage space. For complete step-by-step intructions on how to connect on your wireless desktop or laptop, go to Knowledge@umsl ( and type keyword "wireless".Knowledge@umsl
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