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Jan Ruecker James Choi Sakshi Sachdev Shan Moin Jarrett Robbins Anh Dang.

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Presentation on theme: "Jan Ruecker James Choi Sakshi Sachdev Shan Moin Jarrett Robbins Anh Dang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jan Ruecker James Choi Sakshi Sachdev Shan Moin Jarrett Robbins Anh Dang

2 A concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. (European Commission, 2001)

3 Image & Reputation Employee motivation, retention & recruiting Cost Saving Revenue Increases Risk Reduction Competitive Advantage Weber, M (2008)

4  Enhance Reputation in the EU market and understand EU market  Establish EU Distribution Channels  Improve Administrative Efficiency  Technological Advancement  Maintain Efficiency in Rescue/Military sector  Environmental Responsibility  Responsibility with Stakeholders

5  Environmental Responsibility:  Reduce waste/Recycling  Reduce Emissions  Eliminate toxic materials  Responsibility with Stakeholders:  Customer selection  Finance  Working Environment  Donation/Charity

6 Objectives Practices 12345 Reduce waste / Recycling ✔✔✔✔ Reduce emissions ✔✔✔ Toxic materials ✔ Customer selection ✔ Supplier selection ✔ Finance ✔ Working environment (health & safety) ✔✔ Donation / charitye.g. donate rescue boats

7 Reduction in Wastage, Emissions & Toxic material-  Reduced Cost of Production  An improved enterprise image and reputation  Increased sales and better brand loyalty from the consumer Working environment ( Health& Safety) & Finance  An increased ability to attract and retain employees  improve employee morale => increased productivity and quality and reduce complexity and costs

8 Customer Selection & Donations-  Increased sales and better brand loyalty from the consumers for enterprises perceived to be responsible with local community and the environment

9  CSR- Feel-good factor + Corporate strategy for Survival  Positive link between CSR actions and good- will  make a positive contribution towards the needs of the community along with an opportunity to make a difference

10  Gjolberg,M.(2008) Measuring the immeasurable?: Constructing an index of CSR practices and CSR performance in 20 countries.  Castka, P., Balzarova, M. A., Bamber, C.J., Sharp, J.M. (2004) How can SMEs effectively implement the CSR agenda? Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 11 pp. 140-149  Carlisle, Y.M., Faulkner, D.O. (2005) Strategic change 14, pp 413-422

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