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Noam Segev, Israel Chernyak, Evgeny Reznikov Supervisor: Gabi Nakibly, Ph. D.

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Presentation on theme: "Noam Segev, Israel Chernyak, Evgeny Reznikov Supervisor: Gabi Nakibly, Ph. D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Noam Segev, Israel Chernyak, Evgeny Reznikov Supervisor: Gabi Nakibly, Ph. D.


3  Create a covert channel detector that would function in the described scenario.  The detector’s operation:  A learning period of clear traffic  Two traffic samples: ▪ A clean sample ▪ Traffic containing a covert channel  Goal: Correct classification of both samples

4  We used four detection methods in the creation of the detector:  BLOSUM  PSPM  Learning Algorithm  Entropy-based approach

5  Taken from the field of bioinformatics  BLOSUM (BLOcks of Amino Acid SUbstitution Matrix) is a substitution matrix used for sequence alignment of proteins.  PSPM(Position Specific Probability Matrix) is a substitution matrix used for sequence alignment of proteins.  The algorithms constructs a substitution matrix of probabilities for each amino acid to be present in certain positions in the sequence.

6  We break down the learning communication to 10 groups of 10. (total length of 100)  We defined the probability of a value to be  We define the probability of a couple of values to be  When receiving a new packet we compare to a packet from the original communication using the formula  The values checked can be packet size or packet delay

7  We break down the learning communication to 10 groups of 10. (total length of 100)  We defined the probability of a value to be  The values checked can be packet size or packet delay

8  There exists a range of weaker algorithms for covert channel detection exist.  Each weak algorithm is either less accurate or only good for detecting a certain type of covert channel.  We utilized a learning algorithm in an attempt to boost and combine the effectiveness of several of the weaker algorithms. Learning Algorithm

9  We used the C4.5 learning algorithm to combine three of the weaker algorithms:  Regularity detection  Histogram of packet times/sizes  Epsilon similarity

10  Regularity:  Histogram:

11  Stores and sorts the list of all inter-arrival times between packets.  P i – inter-arrival time i in the sorted list.  Epsilon similarity: the percentage of |P i - P i+1 |/P i that are smaller than the epsilon.

12  During the semester we compiled a collection of traffic samples created by 3 of the covert channel programs designed by previous teams, as well as some samples of randomly generated traffic with normal distribution of sizes and inter-arrival times.  The learning algorithm was given a training set of the answers all the above methods gave for each packet in the aforementioned traffic.

13  Entropy measures the amount of disorder in a system.  A covert channel injects information into certain communication metrics, therefore increasing the amount of order over these metrics.  By measuring the amount of entropy of a given channel over the above metrics we can try to deduce the existence of a covert channel.

14  We used the entropy calculation methods presented in Gianvecchio &Wang ’07:

15  Our method calculates the entropy of the following variables:  Packet delay  Packet sizes  Combined (size & time)  Bursts (k-packet averages on packet size & delay)  Peaks (maxima points of packet sizes and delays)

16  The challenge consisted of 3 simulations.  Each included:  A learning phase on clean traffic.  A detection phase on clean traffic to weed out false positives.  And a detection phase on traffic contaminated by the covert channel.

17  In this challenge our detector hasn’t generated any output – defined as a negative detection result – due to an error (which was found only later) which placed the output statements in an unreachable “if” statement.

18  Due to the aforementioned error suffered by our program, the results of the first challenge were inconclusive.  We decided that we’d attempt to investigate the sensitivity factor of our methods (since we saw neither false nor true positives).

19  We hoped that the algorithm would detect a pattern indicating which of the detection methods should be trusted in which case.  In case it was needed, we intended to boost the algorithm with providing more information about the covert channel – statistical information about packet distribution, as well as the numerical values computed by the aforementioned methods.

20  Unfortunately, it turned out that the covert channels we chose to work with were mainly detected by the histogram method, which didn’t leave much room for maneuver with the learning algorithm.

21  Several issues were detected in our program:  The aforementioned error which prevented output from being displayed.  In the BLOSUM method, there were miscalculations in the algorithm.  The entropy calculations, albeit correct, suffered from inefficiency, which forced us to reduce several parameters, affecting the accuracy.  Sensitivity factors were tweaked throughout the program.

22  The second challenge consisted of one simulation, including, as in the first challenge:  A learning phase on clean traffic.  A detection phase on clean traffic to weed out false positives.  A detection phase on traffic contaminated by a covert channel.

23  Unfortunately, after weeding out false positives, no detection was made.  After some investigation, we discovered that the BLOSUM method has, in fact, detected the covert channel, but due to another error, failed to report it.

24  Further refinement of the detection methods’ sensitivity thresholds is necessary.  In the learning algorithm method, the chosen methods proved to be insufficiently robust. Additionally, the lack of covert channel communication samples further undermined our efforts.

25  It would be interesting to see how the learning algorithm fares given a large amount of traffic samples, as well as stronger methods such as the entropy and BLOSUM methods we have implemented during this project.

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