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Announcements Read Chapter 19 for Thursday – we will discuss it. HW 10: Due Tuesday Dec. 6 Final project: Due Friday Dec. 9 Volunteers for project demos?

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements Read Chapter 19 for Thursday – we will discuss it. HW 10: Due Tuesday Dec. 6 Final project: Due Friday Dec. 9 Volunteers for project demos?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements Read Chapter 19 for Thursday – we will discuss it. HW 10: Due Tuesday Dec. 6 Final project: Due Friday Dec. 9 Volunteers for project demos?

2 Benford’s law: Distribution of leading digits

3 Explanation of Benford’s law


5 1.Global information is encoded as statistics and dynamics of patterns over the systems components. 2.Randomness and probabilities are essential 3.The system carries out a fine-grained parallel search of possibilities. 4.The system exhibits a continual interplay of bottom-up and top-down processes. Four Principles of Information Processing In Living Systems (Complexity: A Guided Tour, Chapter 12)


7 Consider the following cognitive activities

8 Recognition:

9 –A child learns to recognize cats and dogs in books as well as in real life.

10 Recognition: –A child learns to recognize cats and dogs in books as well as in real life.

11 –People can recognize letters of the alphabet, e.g., ‘A’, in many different typefaces and handwriting styles.


13 –People can recognize styles of music:

14 “That sounds like Mozart”

15 –People can recognize styles of music: “That sounds like Mozart” “That’s a muzak version of ‘Hey Jude’”

16 –People can recognize styles of music: “That sounds like Mozart” “That’s a muzak version of ‘Hey Jude’” –People can recognize abstract situations:

17 –People can recognize styles of music: “That sounds like Mozart” “That’s a muzak version of ‘Hey Jude’” –People can recognize abstract situations: A “Cinderella story” “Another Vietnam” “Monica-gate” “Shop-aholic”

18 People make scientific analogies:

19 –“Biological competition is like economic competition” (Darwin)

20 People make scientific analogies: –“Biological competition is like economic competition” (Darwin) –“The nuclear force is like the electromagnetic force” (Yukawa)

21 People make scientific analogies: –“Biological competition is like economic competition” (Darwin) –“The nuclear force is like the electromagnetic force” (Yukawa) –“The computer is like the brain” (von Neumann)

22 People make scientific analogies: –“Biological competition is like economic competition” (Darwin) –“The nuclear force is like the electromagnetic force” (Yukawa) –“The computer is like the brain” (von Neumann) –“The brain is like the computer” (Simon, Newell, etc.)

23 People make unconscious analogies

24 Man: “I’m going shopping for a valentine for my wife.”

25 People make unconscious analogies Man: “I’m going shopping for a valentine for my wife.” Female colleague: “I did that yesterday.”

26 Main idea is that we understand abstract concepts by analogy with the concrete physical world.

27 Some examples Happy/Good = up –“My mood has risen since yesterday.” –“Things have been going up lately” –“I like to get high.” Sad/Bad = down –“My work is going downhill.” –“She’s feeling depressed.” –“That’s a real downer.”

28 Understanding/Knowledge = seeing / light –“I see what you mean.” –“Thanks for enlightening me.” –“Can you shed any light on this situation?.” Confusion/Ignorance = blindness/dark –“I can’t see my way through his argument.” –“She left me in the dark.” –“I have brainfog in the morning.”

29 Love/Attraction = physical force –“I’m falling in love.” –“There’s a strong chemistry between us.” –“I could feel the electricity between them; there were a lot of sparks.” –“He has a lot of magnetism.” –“When I’m with him, the atmosphere is charged.” Ideas = food –“I need some time to digest that idea.” –“Your idea is half-baked.” –“That’s a theory you can sink your teeth into.” –“That gave me some food for thought.”

30 Significant/Important = large –“He’s a big name in the field.” –“He’s a giant among writers.” –“What are the big ideas in your field?” –“Her accomplishments tower over those of others in her area.” Vitality / Energy = a substance ; people = containers –“He’s brimming with spirit.” –“She’s overflowing with vitality.” –“He’s devoid of energy.” –“I’m always drained at the end of the day.”

31 Emotional effect = physical contact –“Getting fired hit him hard.” –“That movie bowled me over.” –“She made a big impression on me” –“That blew me away.” –“I was really struck by his sincerity.” Vitality / Energy = a substance ; people = containers –“He’s brimming with spirit.” –“She’s overflowing with vitality.” –“He’s devoid of energy.” –“I’m always drained at the end of the day.”

32 Copycat: A computer program that models human analogy-making (Douglas Hofstadter, Melanie Mitchell, Jim Marshall)

33 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd ijk --->

34 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd ijk ---> ijl (replace rightmost letter by successor)

35 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd ijk ---> ijl (replace rightmost letter by successor) ijd (replace rightmost letter by ‘d’)

36 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd ijk ---> ijl (replace rightmost letter by successor) ijd (replace rightmost letter by ‘d’) ijk (replace all ‘c’ s by ‘d’ s )

37 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd ijk ---> ijl (replace rightmost letter by successor) ijd (replace rightmost letter by ‘d’) ijk (replace all ‘c’ s by ‘d’ s ) abd (replace any string by ‘abd’)

38 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd iijjkk ---> ?

39 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd iijjkk ---> iijjkl Replace rightmost letter by successor

40 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd iijjkk ---> ?

41 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd iijjkk ---> iijjll Replace rightmost “letter” by successor

42 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd kji ---> ?

43 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd kji ---> kjj Replace rightmost letter by successor

44 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd kji ---> ?

45 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd kji ---> lji Replace “rightmost” letter by successor

46 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd kji ---> ?

47 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd kji ---> ?

48 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd kji ---> kjh Replace rightmost letter by “successor”

49 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd mrrjjj ---> ?

50 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd mrrjjj ---> mrrjjk Replace rightmost letter by successor

51 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd mrrjjj ---> ?

52 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd mrrjjj ---> ? 1 2 3

53 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd mrrjjj ---> ? 1 2 3 1 2 4

54 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd mrrjjj ---> mrrjjjj 1 2 3 Replace rightmost “letter” by successor 1 2 4

55 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd xyz ---> ?

56 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd xyz ---> xya Replace rightmost letter by successor

57 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd xyz ---> xya (not allowed) Replace rightmost letter by successor

58 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd xyz ---> ?

59 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd xyz ---> ? last letter in alphabet

60 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd xyz ---> ? last letter in alphabet first letter in alphabet

61 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd xyz ---> ? last letter in alphabet first letter in alphabet

62 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd xyz ---> wyz last letter in alphabet first letter in alphabet Replace “rightmost” letter by “successor”

63 Idealizing analogy-making abc ---> abd xyz ---> wyz last letter in alphabet first letter in alphabet

64 The Copycat program (Hofstadter and Mitchell) Inspired by collective behavior in complex systems (e.g., ant colonies) Understanding and perception of similarity is built up collectively by many independent simple “agents” working in parallel Each agent’s job is to explore a possible way of describing an object or relationship between objects Each agent has very limited perceptual and communication abilities Each agent makes its decisions (about what to explore probabilistically, based on what it perceives in its environment and on its interaction with other agents. In this way the resources (agent time) allocated to a possible exploration depends on its promise, as assessed dynamically as exploration proceeds. The agents working together produce an “emergent” understanding of the analogy.

65 Architecture of Copycat

66 Concept network Architecture of Copycat

67 a b c ---> a b d i i j j k k --> ? Architecture of Copycat Workspace Concept network

68 a b c ---> a b d i i j j k k --> ? Architecture of Copycat Workspace Perceptual agents (codelets) Concept network

69 a b c ---> a b d i i j j k k --> ? Perceptual agents (codelets) Architecture of Copycat Temperature Workspace Concept network

70 Workspace

71 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ?

72 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? Codelet actions

73 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ?

74 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ?

75 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? successorship

76 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? successorship

77 Codelets make probabilistic decisions:

78 –What to look at next

79 Codelets make probabilistic decisions: –What to look at next –Whether to build a structure there

80 Codelets make probabilistic decisions: –What to look at next –Whether to build a structure there –How fast to build it

81 Codelets make probabilistic decisions: –What to look at next –Whether to build a structure there –How fast to build it –Whether to destroy an existing structure there

82 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ?

83 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? rightmost --> rightmost?? letter --> letter??

84 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? rightmost --> rightmost? letter --> letter?

85 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? rightmost --> rightmost? letter --> letter? leftmost --> leftmost?? letter --> letter??

86 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? rightmost --> rightmost letter --> letter leftmost --> leftmost?? letter --> letter??

87 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? rightmost --> rightmost letter --> letter leftmost --> leftmost?? letter --> letter??

88 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? rightmost --> rightmost letter --> letter leftmost --> leftmost?? letter --> letter?? rightmost --> rightmost?? letter --> group??

89 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? rightmost --> rightmost letter --> letter leftmost --> leftmost?? letter --> letter?? rightmost --> rightmost? letter --> group?

90 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? leftmost --> leftmost? letter --> letter? rightmost --> rightmost letter --> group

91 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? leftmost --> leftmost? letter --> letter? rightmost --> rightmost letter --> group leftmost --> rightmost?? letter --> letter??

92 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? leftmost --> leftmost? letter --> letter? rightmost --> rightmost letter --> group high prob. low prob. leftmost --> rightmost?? letter --> letter??

93 Concept Network

94 Part of Copycat’s Concept Network

95 Concepts are activated as instances are noticed in workspace. Concept Network

96 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ?

97 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ?

98 Part of Copycat’s Concept Network successor

99 Activation of concepts feeds back into “top-down” pressure to notice instances of those concepts in the workspace. Concept Network

100 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ? successor

101 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ? successor

102 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ? successor

103 Activated concepts spread activation to neighboring concepts. Concept Network

104 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ? last

105 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ? last first

106 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ? last first

107 Activation of link concepts determines current ease of slippages of that type (e.g., “opposite”). Concept Network

108 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ? first last leftmost rightmost

109 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ? first last leftmost rightmost

110 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ? first last opposite first last first --> last leftmost rightmost

111 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ? first last opposite first last leftmostrightmost first --> last leftmost rightmost

112 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ? first last opposite first last leftmostrightmost first --> last leftmost rightmost

113 a b c --> a b d x y z --> ? first last opposite first last leftmostrightmost first --> last rightmost --> leftmost leftmost rightmost

114 Temperature

115 Measures how well organized the program’s “understanding” is as processing proceeds (a reflection of how good the current worldview is) Temperature

116 Measures how well organized the program’s “understanding” is as processing proceeds (a reflection of how good the current worldview is) –Little organization —> high temperature Temperature

117 Measures how well organized the program’s “understanding” is as processing proceeds (a reflection of how good the current worldview is) –Little organization —> high temperature –Lots of organization —> low temperature Temperature

118 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? High temperature leftmost --> leftmost? letter --> letter? rightmost --> rightmost?? letter --> group??

119 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? Medium temperature leftmost --> leftmost? letter --> letter? rightmost --> rightmost letter --> group

120 a b c --> a b d m r r j j j --> ? leftmost --> leftmost letter --> group rightmost --> rightmost letter --> group Low temperature middle --> middle letter --> group

121 Measures how well organized the program’s “understanding” is as processing proceeds (a reflection of how good the current worldview is) –Little organization —> high temperature –Lots of organization —> low temperature Temperature

122 Measures how well organized the program’s “understanding” is as processing proceeds (a reflection of how good the current worldview is) –Little organization —> high temperature –Lots of organization —> low temperature Temperature feeds back to codelets: Temperature

123 Measures how well organized the program’s “understanding” is as processing proceeds (a reflection of how good the current worldview is) –Little organization —> high temperature –Lots of organization —> low temperature Temperature feeds back to codelets: –High temperature —> low confidence in decisions —> decisions are made more randomly Temperature

124 Measures how well organized the program’s “understanding” is as processing proceeds (a reflection of how good the current worldview is) –Little organization —> high temperature –Lots of organization —> low temperature Temperature feeds back to codelets: –High temperature —> low confidence in decisions —> decisions are made more randomly –Low temperature —> high confidence in decisions —> decisions are made more deterministically Temperature

125 Measures how well organized the program’s “understanding” is as processing proceeds (a reflection of how good the current worldview is) –Little organization —> high temperature –Lots of organization —> low temperature Temperature feeds back to codelets: –High temperature —> low confidence in decisions —> decisions are made more randomly –Low temperature —> high confidence in decisions —> decisions are made more deterministically Result: System gradually goes from random, parallel, bottom-up processing to deterministic, serial, top-down processing Temperature

126 Demo (Metacat, J. Marshall)

127 1.Global information is encoded as statistics and dynamics of patterns over the systems components. 2.Randomness and probabilities are essential 3.The system carries out a fine-grained parallel search of possibilities. 4.The system exhibits a continual interplay of bottom-up and top-down processes. Principles that inspired the Copycat program

128 Applications of Ideas from Copycat Letter recognition (McGraw, 1995, Ph.D Dissertation, Indiana University) Natural language processing (Gan, Palmer, and Lua, Computational Linguistics 22(4), 1996, pp. 531-553) Robot control (Lewis and Lugar, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Erlbaum, 2000.) Image understanding (Mitchell et al.)

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