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Alexander Hamilton 1789-1795 (1755-1804) Domenica Manno Period:3.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander Hamilton 1789-1795 (1755-1804) Domenica Manno Period:3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander Hamilton ( ) Domenica Manno Period:3

2 Alexander Hamilton was born on the island of Nevis.
Historians are not sure if he was born in 1755 or 1757. Nevis is now known as Saint Kitts.

3 After the Revolution When the Revolution ended, government was in debt. Each State had a different currency.

4 Hamilton’s Idea He decided to open the first bank of the United States. Chartered(leased) by the United States Congress on February 25, 1791.

5 The bank The purpose of the bank was to:
Establish financial order for the newly formed United States. Establish credit for the new nation. To have one currency.

6 The First Bank of the United States is a Historical Landmark located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania near Independence Hall. Independence Hall and the First Bank of the United States.

7 Hamilton vs. Burr Hamilton and Burr were fighting because of political and personal bitterness. Tensions grew between them when Hamilton wrote negative statements about Burr during a political campaign. Dueling was outlawed in the northern United States, so they had to go to New Jersey.

8 Duel At Dawn On July 11, 1804, there was a duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Burr shot Hamilton, and he died the next day.

9 Burr’s Charges Burr survived the duel and was charged for murder in New York and New Jersey. Severe criticism toward him ended his political career.

10 1811-1816 After Hamilton died, the bank’s charter expired in
1811.(James Madison was President.) In 1816, Madison formed the Second Bank of the United States.

11 More about Hamilton Alexander Hamilton was the Secretary of Treasury from He was the fourth president from During his Presidency.

12 Dedication to Hamilton
You may not realize that you see Alexander Hamilton everyday. He can be found on a ten dollar bill. This a dedication to him for his idea to create the First Bank of the United States. Also, for his involvement in the United States having one currency and acting as one country, instead of 13 separate ones.

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