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Mindflight Space 2009 Elaine and Cassidy. Making Planets  On Sunday we made planets using Photoshop. Here’s Elaine’s. It’s really a circle.

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Presentation on theme: "Mindflight Space 2009 Elaine and Cassidy. Making Planets  On Sunday we made planets using Photoshop. Here’s Elaine’s. It’s really a circle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mindflight Space 2009 Elaine and Cassidy

2 Making Planets  On Sunday we made planets using Photoshop. Here’s Elaine’s. It’s really a circle.

3 Blogs  Everyday we write in our blog about what we did during the day. The blog link is

4 Missions  Everyone divided into groups to make missions. We planned a mission to Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons. We named the mission Prospect Cab and designed a badge to represent it.

5 Vacation for an Alien  We made a skit in the TV studio using the blue screen. Ours was about an alien (Elaine) who wanted a vacation. A real estate agent (Cassidy) showed the alien different places in space.

6 The Egg Drop We put an egg inside of a padded yogurt cup and attached it to a plastic bag with a balloon taped to the inside. It was dropped of a third story roof. We landed on target and didn’t break our egg.

7  Made by Elaine and Cassidy

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