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NAOMI RINEHART JULY 2009 GENETICS Human Origin and Evolution.

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Presentation on theme: "NAOMI RINEHART JULY 2009 GENETICS Human Origin and Evolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAOMI RINEHART JULY 2009 GENETICS Human Origin and Evolution

2 The Human Species 30 to 40 million years ago, an animal lived, Aegyptopithecus. This animal is an ancestor of the Human Race. Hominoids were common 22 to 32 million years ago, these being ancestors of the Human and Ape Races. Hominins eventually formed and are ancestors only to the Human Race. Fossils are more commonly found from life forms two to four million years ago, these still represent evidence of the Human Race deriving from that of apes.

3 One of the first Hominins After finding a few fossils of Hominins, this is a picture of what the species would have looked like. Scientists examined the bones of these animals and came to the conclusion that they lived in trees in Africa. They could walk and move farther than that of all the previous species like it.

4 Australopithecus species The Australopithecus lived about three million years ago. Many fossils of this species has been found. A female child’s skeleton was found almost completely intact. She had long arms like that of an ape, but normal legs that represented human’s today. Feet prints have been found by this species as well. These animals were built like both apes and humans. The faces were flat like that of an ape, the top half of the body was like that of an ape. However, the bottom half resembled that of a human.

5 Fossils of Australopithecus

6 The Neanderthals Neanderthals are a found species that have close similarities to the Human Race. However, wider bone structure and shorter forearms and shins. This race lived in Africa moving to Europe and filling Israel. The Neanderthals Race evolved within itself, and lived until about 30,000 years ago.

7 Neanderthal vs. Modern Human

8 Modern Studies Once the Human Race was fully established, they formed their own tribes. Tribes are better understood through DNA sequences of those living 10,000 years ago.

9 Comparing DNA among the Races There are other ways to compare the rate of evolution amongst the races besides outer appearances. The Human Race and chimpanzees have many comparisons. DNA hybridization is a scientific method that compares genes from two different species and life forms. Each life form’s lineage is aligned next to the other to determine how many similarities there are. The hybridization method has shown us that the Human Race is very comparable to Chimps, Gorillas, Orangutans, and Green Monkeys. However, Humans are not like cats or mice in the slightest.

10 Technology teaches history Due to all of today’s methods and scientific technology, we as a human race are able to learn about our history in a new perspective. We are able to discover our ancestors and learn about their lives. Who knows what type of technology will occur in the years to come to help us even more with this research.

11 References Picture #1: Science Daily. New Findings. 2009. [online] ( Picture #2: Scientific America. Lucy’s Baby. 2009. [online] ( baby). Picture #3: Wor ld Science. Lucy’s Baby. 2006. [online] ( Picture #4,5: Melaka Today. Brazil Indigenous People Growth. 2009. [online] ( indigenous-population-growth-2/)

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