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 Evaluation of EU Immigration Policy Towards North Africa By the Monitors of International Immigration.

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Presentation on theme: " Evaluation of EU Immigration Policy Towards North Africa By the Monitors of International Immigration."— Presentation transcript:

1  Evaluation of EU Immigration Policy Towards North Africa By the Monitors of International Immigration

2 Background  In recent years, immigration from Northern Africa to the EU has increased drastically  Multi-faceted problem  Influences resources of EU states  Impacts foreign relations, national security  Each state has own laws regarding the issue, but more coherence is needed

3 Migratory Routes

4 Undocumented Immigration  Illegal immigrants as defined by EU  Individuals who illegally enter a member state  Those who enter with a valid visa but “overstay”  Those exempted from visa requirements due to nationality, but seek employment that conflicts with visa authorization

5 Undocumented Immigration  Problem areas:  Strait of Gibraltar  Canary Islands  Early Warning System  “Externalize” border control

6 Drug Smuggling  Iberian Peninsula is major entry point  National security issue for Spain and Portugal  Smuggling carried out via aircraft and vehicle through sparsely populated Sahara Desert region

7 Asylum Seekers  Can only apply to nation where they arrived  Common EU asylum policy hard to formulate  Criticism of EU policies  No guarantee of seekers’ rights

8 Recommendations  More secure visa policies  Better information sharing and collaboration  Combating corruption in Western Africa  National quotas for asylum seekers

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