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Decision support systems constitute a class of computer-based information systems including knowledge-based systems that support decision-making activitiesinformation.

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2 Decision support systems constitute a class of computer-based information systems including knowledge-based systems that support decision-making activitiesinformation systemsknowledge-based systemsdecision-making (Wikipedia, 2009)

3  set of tools provided to managers to assist them in solving problems in their own, personalised way.  not necessarily totally computer-based  support manager as opposed to replace them  interactive - i.e. prompt new questions as well as providing answers

4  Greatest successes in the area of decision taking systems (more like expert systems)  financial institutions use them to accelerate credit / loan approval (e.g. American Express)  In companies, Spreadsheets with simple business models are used as DSS  Individuals may create these models themselves

5  Important element in supporting decision maker is the existence of a model  = a representation / simulation of reality  some are probabilistic or statistically calibrated  other are expertise based on specific expertise of a group of individuals  DSS applications may contain several models  they can also include various degrees of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

6 Google Health Let’s take a look IE/health/tour/index.html

7  Demo of Visual Dx –Visual Diagnostic Decision Support

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