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Wednesday November 5, 2008 - Materials: Pencil/Pen and paper - China’s One Child Policy - Video: Gender Imbalance - Group Discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday November 5, 2008 - Materials: Pencil/Pen and paper - China’s One Child Policy - Video: Gender Imbalance - Group Discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday November 5, 2008 - Materials: Pencil/Pen and paper - China’s One Child Policy - Video: Gender Imbalance - Group Discussion


3  Currently has 1.3 Billion people  20% of the worlds population  1 out of 5 people are Chinese  U.S. has 305 Million

4  Became leader in China in 1978  Started making serious efforts to control China’s population. Why?

5  Introduced in 1979: It promotes couples into having only one child. Reduces Population

6  Pros  Registration, Healthcare, Education  More money for family(only 1 child)  Reduces Population (higher standard of living)  First 20 years population growth reduced by 300 Million

7  Cons  FINES! TAXES!  Future Job Shortages (Economy)  Boys! Boys! Boys! We want Boys! WHY?  Rural (Country) areas- exceptions  ABORTION!! – Ultrasound – Female Infanticide  Gender Imbalance/Social Impact (117-100)  2020 – 30 million more men

8  In 2007, the U.S. adopted 5,453 children from China’s orphanages.  90% of China’s orphanages are girls!

9  China experienced rapid growth before the One-Child Policy in 1979.

10  Now they are experiencing slow growth/no growth

11  Reduce population to quick : Big Economic Problems!

12  Is the One-Child policy a good idea? Yes/No. Why?  What are some positive and negative affects of the One-Child policy? What will happen if China’s population reduces too quickly?  Who will be the next President of the United States? Who did Indiana vote for? Who will be the next Governor of Indiana?

13  What would it be like to live in China with one child per family? How would this affect your life? Write two paragraphs. One paragraph is 3-5 sentences

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