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G RADUATE S TUDENT C OUNCIL Steven Clontz - President.

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Presentation on theme: "G RADUATE S TUDENT C OUNCIL Steven Clontz - President."— Presentation transcript:

1 G RADUATE S TUDENT C OUNCIL Steven Clontz - President

2 What is the Graduate Student Council? Main Purpose: Support grad student life at AU Represents the grad student population in the SGA, University Senate, other organizations/committees Hosts various events for grad students

3 What We Did in 2010-11 Assistance with bussing from Atlanta Airport Monthly Colloquia – Alternating Professional/International series Began looking into graduate student housing Graduate Scholars Forum & Symposium Graduate Student Appreciation Week

4 GSC Structure Executive Board – President, Executive Vice Pres., Vice Pres., Treasurer, SGA Rep, Secretary, Webmaster – Vacancy in Webmaster position ( GSC Senate – Two students in each department appointed by faculty Graduate Program Officer (GPO) – Main commitment: Monthly meeting, sit on committees, regular contact with grad students in their department

5 GSC Structure (cont.) GSC Volunteers – Senators will often ask for volunteers to help run GSC events, particularly the Graduate Scholars Forum & Symposium

6 Graduate Scholars Forum & Symposium Forum is an open event to all Auburn graduate students who wish to take part in a research presentation competition. Top scorers move on to the Symposium at the Auburn University Hotel and Conference Center. Result of many hours of effort by GSC officers, senators, and volunteers.


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