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IST359: Introduction to DBMS IST359 Spring 2011 Instructor : Michael Fudge t. 315-443-9686 o.110b Hinds w.http://blackboard.syr.edu

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Presentation on theme: "IST359: Introduction to DBMS IST359 Spring 2011 Instructor : Michael Fudge t. 315-443-9686 o.110b Hinds w.http://blackboard.syr.edu"— Presentation transcript:

1 IST359: Introduction to DBMS IST359 Spring 2011 Instructor : Michael Fudge t. 315-443-9686 o.110b Hinds w.http://blackboard.syr.edu M002: 3:45p-5:05p M003: 2:15p-3:35p Lecture: Hinds 021 (Mon) Lab: Hinds 010 (Wed)

2 Mandatory Instructor background check  Education  BS Applied Mathematics/Computer Science  MS In Information Management  Employment  15+ years in the IT field, 10 of them at SU.  Currently employed as the “Sr. Systems & IT Support Administrator” at the iSchool.  Work as a consultant for Software and Database development  SQL Server DBA  Teaching  Taught various courses at the 2 year, 4 year and graduate level in a wide variety of subjects.

3 Follow Me on Twitter Class announcements under the hash tag #ist359

4 Why are YOU here?

5 What is this course all about?

6 “Theory to Practice” Ratio for IST359

7 Required Textbook  Databases Demystified, Andrew Oppel, Osborne McGraw Hill, © 2004. ISBN (13): 978-0072253641 ISBN (10) 0072253649 List: $21.95  The book serves as a complement to the course materials and will help you grasp the concepts we cover in class. It is a refreshingly easy read, and allows you to learn at your own pace.

8 More required Reading:  Instructor’s notes  My prep notes for lectures  On line

9 Course Management: Blackboard  All required readings are there (except textbook)  Deliverables Issued: Study Guides, Labs, Assignments  Your grades posted in blackboard. Surrender to the Dark Side!

10 Methods of Evaluation Your final grade is the ratio of points earned / points total.

11 General Course Policies  Anything handed in outside of class must be submitted before day’s end (11:59:59pm on the day it is due).  All due dates are firm… posted on the syllabus please plan accordingly.  No make up work or late work are permitted.  Show up before attendance is taken or you will be marked absent.  4 or more absences will impact your final grade negatively.

12 Quizzes And Labs  Issues at the beginning of class on the specified dates.  10 minutes long; short and simple  Individual effort, Work alone.  Closed book – all you can use is your head and a writing instrument.  All topics prior to the quiz date (including required readings on the quiz date) are fair game.  No make ups, but one quiz is dropped.  You will be issued one of 3 marks for every lab / study guide:  0 – not complete and not passing  5 – complete but not passing or incomplete and passing  10 – complete and passing  Complete means you finished the entire assessment (answered all the questions)  Passing means you answered more than 75% of the questions correctly. QuizzesLabs

13 Exams And Assignments  In-class deliverable; Individual effort  2 Exams based on lab work  100 points each, 200 points total.  Exam dates posted on syllabus.  All dates are firm so plan accordingly.  Exams are a culmination of coursework to date.  Out of class deliverable; Work alone or with a partner.  Gauge your ability to apply what you have learned.  2 Assignments, 100 points each, 200 points total.  All due dates are posted on the syllabus, so plan accordingly.  Each assignment takes in upwards of 50 hours to complete. ExamsAssignments

14 Academic Integrity  All work should be of your own merit.  I encourage you to help other students, collaborate, and “bounce ideas” off each other.  There is a difference between helping someone and giving them your work. Know the difference.  When in doubt, clear it with me.  I take this matter seriously, and so should you!

15 Recipe for course success!  #1 Keep an eye on the due dates!  #2 Come to class prepared  The class builds upon itself so if you decide to take a week off you will get lost quickly  make the most of your face time with me.  #3 Take an interest in the course material  Have fun with it.  How does it fit with your career? everyday life?  How can you put the knowledge you learn in class to practice outside of class?

16 Nobody leaves without learning! BeforeAfter

17 Let’s get into it… IST359

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