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Today’s Topics n Symbolizing conditionals and bi-conditionals n Other complex symbolizations. n Unless.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Topics n Symbolizing conditionals and bi-conditionals n Other complex symbolizations. n Unless."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Topics n Symbolizing conditionals and bi-conditionals n Other complex symbolizations. n Unless

2 Conditional n A conditional is composed of two elements, the antecedent (the ‘if’ part of an if, then, statement) and the consequent (the ‘then’ part) n A conditional is true if either the antecedent is false or the consequent true

3 MANTRA: A Conditional With a False Antecedent Is True

4 Terms that Precede the Antecedent n If n Given that n Insofar as n Provided that n So long as n In case n Follows from n Is implied by n Whenever n Is a necessary condition for

5 Terms that Precede the Consequent n Then n Only if n It follows that n Implies n Leads to n Means that n Is a sufficient condition for

6 n The language of necessary and sufficient conditions is the language of conditionals. n Sufficient conditions are antecedents of conditionals. Necessary conditions are consequents of conditionals. n P is a sufficient condition for Q n  n P  Q n P is a necessary condition for Q n Q  P

7 Biconditional n A biconditional is composed of two elements n A biconditional is true when the elements agree in truth value (both true or both false)

8 Biconditionals are introduced with the words “if and only if” or “is necessary and sufficient for” P is both necessary and sufficient for Q (P is necessary for Q) AND (P is sufficient for Q) (Q  P) & (  (Q  P) & ( P  Q) (P if Q) and (P only if Q)  Q (P if and only if Q) P  Q (P if and only if Q)

9 Try some symbolizations n Download the Handout labeled Conditional Study Guide and attempt the exercises Handout n Post some of your answers to the bulletin boards and discuss them

10 Symbolizing “Neither Nor” and “Not Both” n We have two different ways to symbolize both ‘neither nor’ and ‘not both’.

11 Two Ways to Symbolize “Neither P nor Q” n ~(P v Q) n (~P  ~Q)

12 DeMorgan’s Law (1 st Version) n The negation of a disjunction is equivalent to a conjunction of the negations of the disjuncts.

13 Two Ways to Symbolize “Not Both” n ~(P  Q) n (~P v ~Q)

14 DeMorgan’s Law (2 nd Version) n The negation of a conjunction is equivalent to a disjunction of the negations of the conjuncts

15 UNLESS (the word of the Lorax!) n For a logician, unless means ‘or.’ And ‘or’ is inclusive unless otherwise specified. n Yes, this use of ‘unless’ violates our common use, but logic is a normative discipline and often the logician wishes to reform ordinary use. n When you see ‘unless’ in a sentence, replace it with a wedge! You can’t go wrong doing that. n Download the Handout on Unless and see what havoc this word can wreak! Handout

16 Key Ideas n Symbolizing conditionals n Other complex symbolizations n Unless

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