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Library and Research Orientation. What will we do today? Introduce you to the library staff Show you … the library space how to find books encyclopaedias.

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Presentation on theme: "Library and Research Orientation. What will we do today? Introduce you to the library staff Show you … the library space how to find books encyclopaedias."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library and Research Orientation

2 What will we do today? Introduce you to the library staff Show you … the library space how to find books encyclopaedias databases how to find quality information on the web You will then look for information about civil rights history as background for A Raisin in the Sun

3 The Library Open hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 9:30 pm Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Sunday: 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Loans are for two weeks Renew by emailing Mrs. Pilieci

4 The physical library Quiet spaces to study Collaborative spaces to work Non-fiction Reference Fiction Magazines Newspapers Printers and scanner

5 The online library How do I get to the library website?website We have library catalogue: books encyclopaedias e-resources: databases

6 Library passwords (off campus) Proquest Username: HQ7MFN6442 Password: welcome Britannica Username: saint Password: andrews World Book Username: sactowers Password: burgundy

7 A Raisin in the Sun Lorraine Hansberry us&rlz=1I7SUNC_enCA393&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=or0YwkfBxBM4rM:&imgrefurl= raisin-in-sun-hits- broadway.html&docid=VBKM6tljs6mzMM&w=200&h=252&ei=boR4TqvcBung0QGY7PXmCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=422&vpy=114&dur=157& hovh=201&hovw=160&tx=108&ty=93&page=7&tbnh=106&tbnw=81&start=90&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:90&biw=1024&bih=435

8 The early 1950s African Americans had fought very hard until this point for their right to be treated as equal citizens in the United States, yet segregation still existed. Starting in the 1950s, African Americans came together in a series of nonviolent protests known as the Civil Rights Movement.

9 Web resources: How do you find good ones for school work? Don’t forget – anyone can publish on the web. What should you look for? Authority DHMO RYT Hospital Objectivity Martin Luther King Accuracy 9

10 Web searching: using search terms Phrase searching, e.g., “civil rights” Boolean logic, e.g., “civil rights” AND segregation Use synonyms, e.g., housing, residential, residence, neighbourhood discrimination, prejudice, intolerance, bigotry 10

11 What’s the best way to find information on the web? Use a reliable website Use a directory, e.g., dmoz or InfominedmozInfomine Look at NoodleTools to figure out which search engine to useNoodleTools Use the Internet Public LibraryInternet Public Library Use an authoritative website for education such as iSEEK iSEEK

12 But what about Wikipedia? Can be factual but not necessarily reliable Can be out of date Can be wrong: no peer review Wikipedia has a disclaimer that notes: WIKIPEDIA MAKES NO GUARANTEE OF VALIDITY 12

13 Now it’s your turn … In pairs, you need to find background information about the Civil Rights Movement in America. You need to find three credible sources: A book An article from a database or online encyclopaedia Information from a reputable website Make notes from the sources and in next class, tell us 5 important and interesting facts about your topic and show at least one image. Make a note of (cite) your sources and send them to the class conference.

14 Topics to research: 1. 1954 Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas 2. 1955 The Montgomery Bus Boycott 3. 1955 The Emmett Till murder 4. 1957 Little Rock, Arkansas High School desegregation 5. 1963 The Birmingham Campaign 6. 1963 The March on Washington 7. 1965 The Selma March 8. 1966 The Chicago Campaign 9. 1968 The Civil Rights Act (Fair Housing Act) 10. 1968 The Memphis boycott

15 Before you leave … Make your plan: Who’s searching for a book? Database / encyclopaedia? Website? Who’s looking for image(s)? Who will speak? Who will make your list of sources (bibliography)?

16 Good luck! And remember, if you have any questions, just ask one of the library staff to help you.

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