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EU Humanitarian Aid Policies The Libyan Crisis By the EuroStar Consulting Inc. Adil Ç if ç i Emese B ö r ö cz Miquel Cal ç ada Tim Heine Tural Ahmadov.

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Presentation on theme: "EU Humanitarian Aid Policies The Libyan Crisis By the EuroStar Consulting Inc. Adil Ç if ç i Emese B ö r ö cz Miquel Cal ç ada Tim Heine Tural Ahmadov."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU Humanitarian Aid Policies The Libyan Crisis By the EuroStar Consulting Inc. Adil Ç if ç i Emese B ö r ö cz Miquel Cal ç ada Tim Heine Tural Ahmadov

2 Institutional Background  EU is the world’s leading aid donor.  Directorate General (DG) for European Communities Humanitarian Organization (ECHO)  Chaired by Kristalina Georgieva, the Bulgarian commissioner

3 Financial Contributions

4 The EU Mission

5 Humanitarian Crisis  218 000 internally displaced people  Up to 15 000 killed civilians  At least 50 000 war wounded, 20 000 of them seriously injured

6 EU Civil Protection Mechanism  Evacuation of 24.000 third party nationals  Assistance to the people fleeing Libya  Emergency healthcare for war wounded  Protection of the civilian population  Logistical solutions including air transportation to deliver relief aid  Clearance of unexploded mines and booby traps from the war zones

7  Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean March 8, 2011  Proposed Partnership in :  democratic transformation and institution building  support to civil society  boost for economic growth Revised Neighborhood Policy

8  A new and ambitious European Neighborhood Policy - May 25, 2011  ‘more funds for more reform’ approach  "Our support is based on partnership, not on imposition" - HRVP Catherine Ashton. Revised Neighborhood Policy

9 Criticism  Institutional Shortcomings  Still no clear voice when it comes to key foreign policy matters  Slow and ineffective response, bloated bureaucracy  Lack of transparency (too many partner organizations)  Shortcomings in the ENP  Libya operations: ramification and repercussion  Lack of concern for specifically Libya in the ENP

10 Criticism  Operational Shortcomings  The EU is involved in too many external aid programs with too few positive results  High donations with little conditionality applied

11 Recommendations Libya is another inter-institutional test of flexibility within the EU, thus we recommend:  Introduction of a log frame for better monitoring and evaluation  Formation of a stable humanitarian force (rapid response teams)  Humanitarian aid linked to verifiable improvements

12  Simplification of the EU budget after 2013 which provides „emergency and recovery funds”  Reform of the European Neighborhood Policy  Hot spot scenarios and early warning system Recommendations

13 Q&A Thank you! Adil Çifçi Emese Böröcz Miquel Calçada Tim Heine Tural Ahmadov

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