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Intellectual Challenge of Teaching
By: Julie Wethy
Expectations What are you expectations of your students?
Teachers who take responsibility for student learning recognize challenges students and their families face but are convinced that those challenges do not prevent learning and that a strong education will serve students (Sleeter, p.128) Thinking outside the curriculum planning box Creating high expectations for your students enables them to use higher thinking skills Are the students engaged in lessons the lessons you are teaching or are they bored?
Meet Juanita Juanita had high expectations of her students
She taught BEYOND the general teaching standards. She equipped her students with the knowledge needed to meet her expectations Juanita incorporates multicultural material where applicable. Her students created six books on the computer over the course of the school year.
Curriculum Planning Bloom’s taxonomy is a helpful and useful planning tool. Here are four questions to help you work through Bloom’s Taxonomy: How does the unit as you have planned it so far, or as you have taught it before, address each of the six levels of Bloom’s taxonomy How do the curriculum standards for the unit you are developing address the levels of Bloom’s taxonomy? How does the books address the levels of Bloom’s taxonomy? Using the Bloom’s taxonomy as a guide, if your students were to be prepared for college, what should they be learning in this unit that isn’t listed above?
Cognitive Domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Educational Objective Recall information such as dates, events, places Recall major ideas Explain what information means Interpret information Translate knowledge into new context Order, group, infer causes Predict consequences from information Use information, methods, skills, or concepts in new situations to solve problems or answer questions Recognize components and patterns Organize parts Compare and contrast similarities and differences Use old ideas to create new ones Generalize from given facts Relate knowledge from several areas Combine different ideas or concepts Discriminate between ideas Assess value of evidence supporting ideas Make choices based on reasoned argument Recognize subjectivity Associated Verbs List, define, tell, describe, identify, shoe, label, examine, tabulate, quote, name, who, where, when Summarize, describe, interpret, contrast, predict, associate, distinguish, estimate, differentiate, discuss, extend Apply, demonstrate, calculate, complete, illustrate, show, solve, modify, relate, change, classify, experiment, discover Analyze, separate, order, explain, connect, classify, arrange, divide, compare, select, explain, infer Combine, integrate, modify, rearrange, substitute, plan, create, design, invent, compose, formulate, prepare, generalize, rewrite Assess, decide, rank, test, measure, recommend, convince, select, judge, evaluate, discriminate, support, conclude, compare, summarize
Mini University - Mona Mona’s 4th grade solar system unit in relationship to culture, academic expectations and Bloom’s levels of thinking Students work from a syllabus, internet research, write reports in word documents, and use power point to create their presentations. Her solar system unit was linked to literature and language arts She organized students into cooperative groups according to knowledge and comprehension levels She engaged students in learning and thinking across the spectrum of Bloom’s taxonomy.
Enabling Strategies Assist students in learning how to think more complexly than they do presently by themselves such as modeling Believing that students need to learn facts and skills before they can go on to more complex ideas Drilling students on the basics to prepare then for higher level work Focusing less on the structure of disciplinary knowledge than on the process of knowing
Scaffolding Bridges students’ current academic performance with potential Stage 1- building knowledge of the topic Stage 2 – the teacher talks through text construction with students Stage 3 – the teacher jointly constructs texts with students Stage 4 – Students write independently
Meet Gina Discovery of the English Language Development (ELD)diet
The use of explicit instruction, scaffolding, and/or modeling in her Spanish classroom instruction She teaches the students to create literacy analysis on books being read individually and as a class
Possibilities and Challenges
Build relationships with your students and use the relationship built to model learning and enhance the teaching-learning process (Sleeter, p.145) When you feel passionate about what you are teaching it is easy for students to get excited and become passionate about it too. Set high expectations for your students Look beyond what you think they can do and accomplish
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