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Math 141 - Mitchell Distance versus Time Graphs Introduction to Functions (Section 1.1)

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Presentation on theme: "Math 141 - Mitchell Distance versus Time Graphs Introduction to Functions (Section 1.1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Math 141 - Mitchell Distance versus Time Graphs Introduction to Functions (Section 1.1)

2 Situation A: I am going to throw a ball straight up in the air from about my waist height. Which graph best matches this situation?

3 What graph best matches situation A? 1. Graph 1 2. Graph 2 3. Graph 3 4. Graph 4

4 Situation B: Starting 2 feet from the table, I will walk away from the table at a constant rate stopping 7 feet from the table. After a few seconds I will walk back toward the table at a slower but constant rate. Which graph best matches Situation B?

5 What graph best matches situation B? 1. Graph 1 2. Graph 2 3. Graph 3 4. Graph 4

6 Now, you try one from scratch. (Situation 3) I’m going to start 5 feet from the table. After standing there for 3 seconds, I will walk towards the table at a constant rate. Stopping when I am 1 foot from the table. Make a distance versus time graph for this situation.

7 Let’s define a function! Function: 5. How can we tell if a relationship is a function by looking at it’s… a. graph? b. table? c. Equation? d. words or explanation? Let’s look at some more examples…. 4. In situation B, is time a function of distance from the table? Explain. 3. In situation B, is distance from the table a function of time? Explain. 2. In situation A, is time a function of height? Explain. 1. In situation A, is height a function of time? Explain. Questions to discuss:

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