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Sustainable Landscape Architecture Best Practices Manual Peter Cacciatore James Hogan Rebecca Mattern Angel Munoz March 4, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Landscape Architecture Best Practices Manual Peter Cacciatore James Hogan Rebecca Mattern Angel Munoz March 4, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Landscape Architecture Best Practices Manual Peter Cacciatore James Hogan Rebecca Mattern Angel Munoz March 4, 2010

2 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Qualifying Project Stantec Project Center –Center Director: Professor Frederick Hart –Faculty Co-Advisor: Professor Suzanne LePage –On-Site Stantec Advisor: Klaas Rodenburg

3 Project Scope Sustainable Development –Stantec’s Commitment Sustainable Landscape Architecture –Social –Environmental –Economic

4 Project Deliverables Best Practices Manual (BPM) Subprojects –Kingston, Jamaica –Clareview Charrette Capstone Electronic Best Practices Manual (eBPM)

5 BPM Format Technology Introduction Technical Description Potential Benefits Potential Risks and Considerations Estimated Costs Potential LEED Credits Relevant Stantec Projects Stantec Employee Interviews

6 BPM Sections Landscape Architecture Practices Green Roofs Green Walls Permeable Pavements Stormwater Infiltration Systems Constructed Wetlands Rainwater Harvesting Xeriscaping Non-Landscape Architecture Practices District Energy Air Handler Condensate Recovery

7 Redevelopment of Downtown Kingston, Jamaica Kingston’s Urban Development Corporation Identified Kingston’s wants & needs for downtown revitalization Compiled appropriate sustainable designs with the following information: –Description –Cost/Benefits –Evidence –Sources

8 Kingston Project Application Provided base structure for the BPM format Developed group cohesiveness Granted further interaction with Stantec resources and employees

9 Eco-Charrette City of Edmonton –Clareview Recreation Centre Used the BPM sustainable practices –Researched whether each practice was suitable Attended the Eco-Charrette –All parties involved were present –Notes were taken ideas and concepts for the proposed areas

10 Eco-Charrette Application Granted experience in multidiscipline group interaction Provided an opportunity to apply the Best Practices Manual –Discover strong points and areas that need improvement Supplied the basis of the capstone design idea for the Major Qualifying Project

11 Capstone Design Project Application of Green Roof BPM section –Clareview Recreation Centre Project –Made simplifications and assumptions Size and shape of building and site Existing building and proposed expansion – Conducted a feasibility analysis Extensive on whole structure Intensive on whole structure Combination of intensive and extensive

12 Capstone Design Project Analysis Costs –Instillation of roof –Structural Upgrade –Roof maintenance Benefits –Energy savings –Stormwater runoff reduction –Air quality

13 Capstone Design Project Results Intensive roof on current building cost prohibitive. Only the all extensive green roof had a pay back period due to yearly savings. –Approximately 55 year payback. Benefits for all extensive and combination were equivalent. Therefore the all extensive was chosen.

14 Electronic Best Practices Manual Buildings Engineering eBPM Split into sections –Resource Management –Water Management Features –Shared Directory – CoP Leaders – Links to Relevant Stantec Projects – BPM Information

15 Application of the BPM Gain basic knowledge of a subject –Provides an effective summary which is concise yet detailed Connect to community of practice leaders Provides case studies and relevant examples –Cites specific projects in many places to provide a starting point for further research

16 Application of the BPM Useful for clients interaction – find answers to big questions –“Will it work on my projects?” –“How much will it cost?” –“How will it benefit me?” Serves as a repository for new information –Useful for designers and engineers learn about new trends and post links to other resources and projects

17 Living Document Essential to the long term usefulness of the eBPM –Add or remove material as technology changes –Keep information as up to date as possible –Ensure the future use of the eBPM Future groups of students or Stantec employees should continue to add to the eBPM

18 Project Experience Balance of time in project was not ideal –Analysis should have been started earlier Application to real work situations helped focus the project –Experience with Kingston Redevelopment project and Clareview design charrette helped to identify important sections –Example: In Kingston Redevelopment project geographic location was very important District heating, wave power not applicable Expert opinions were useful for filling gaps in our research –Interviews should have been conducted earlier in the project, Availability of employees limited the number of responses received.

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