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Jacari Teaching Workshop Key Stage 4 1 st March 2010.

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1 Jacari Teaching Workshop Key Stage 4 1 st March 2010

2 Identify the problem: Where are they behind? Is it... Speaking? Reading? Writing? Maths? Is it... Vocabulary? Grammar? Spelling? Fluency? Concentration? Memory? Confidence? Motivation?

3 Teaching new vocabulary What vocabulary? – Survival language (classroom language, shopping, directions etc.) – Chatting – Key words – add, filter etc. See revision guides. Meaning -> pronunciation -> form E.g. Demonstrate first, then practise saying, then write – Natural way of learning – Builds up and holds interest throughout process – Most likely to remember – Show meaning by drawing, mime, flash cards

4 Teaching new vocabulary Vocab book – take a category, e.g. Weather, – stick in pictures and say what their names; – Brainstorm words together. Make lists. – Make sentences using new words – revise regularly and add a category a week Games e.g. Taboo – “Describe a word e.g. “sun” without using the word e.g. “hot” – make cards with target word (“sun”) on one side and forbidden word (“hot”) on the other. Take turns to try and work out the word. Use a timer to make it more exciting! Take a minute to discuss pictures – get your pupil to label things you point to.

5 Teaching Spelling... Words they’re really stuck on Teach spelling rules and patterns (see sheet) Make up a mnemonic e.g. because – “big elephants can always understand smaller elephants” Look, say, cover, write, check method Write in mirror writing Timed challenge Read a passage with that word in over and over again Combine spelling with a game you know your pupil enjoys: Snakes and Ladders, Bingo, Hangman, Top Trumps... Multi-sensory link (next slide)

6 Teaching Spelling... Multi-sensory Link You write here + they write on top saying letters and word They copy and say letters and word Cover top line, they write + say letters and word They write with eyes closed

7 Teaching Spelling: homophones Homophones are words that sound the same but are written differently: there, they're, their; two, to, too; sew, so, sow Take a few of these groups at a time and discuss the differences in meaning. Try to establish a link between meaning differences and spelling differences. E.g. THERE has a similar structure to "here" and "where": all relate to places THEIR is the only one to end like "her" - both relate to possession THEY'RE: apostrophe shows that a letter is missing - relate to "they are" Draw funny pictures: pair of pears; a poor cat using his paw to pour... Then write sentences using as many as possible.

8 Self-check investigation My wordMy spell checkI omitted or added a letter I spelt it as it sounds I used the wrong homophone I forgot / used the wrong spelling pattern atakedattackedxxx jumptjumpedxx theirtherexx

9 Teaching grammar... Tenses Tenses... are complicated!!! – Not just past, present, future! – Continuous (am/was/will be/have been/ will have been/ had – Completed event (...ed, and irregulars - ate/went etc) – Habit (I get up, eat breakfast, go out...) – Completed event with later effect (have, had, will have) – Prediction/ spontaneous decision (will...) – Already decided/ speculating (going to...) Teach one at a time only, including how to form the negative meaning, practice, production (independent) jargon is unnecessary

10 Teaching Grammar... Common problems on checklist When you pick up on consistently incorrect grammar used... Correcting them each time they’re wrong – Can lead to lack of confidence – Makes an issue out of it but doesn’t correct the problem Take a lesson to practice – need to get into muscle memory and brain connection Repetition needed – questions and answers, repeat back, find the correct one, write using that construction etc. E.g. “What have you done today?” “I have eaten breakfast, I have been to a friend’s house, etc.)

11 Improving fluency Reading aloud text that is easy for them – over 90% words read straight off Reading a text several times (poetry is generally more acceptable for this) Explaining where the stress in word goes by visual diagrams Repeating sentences back like a parrot Learning a short text off by heart General practice – discussion etc.

12 Improving Concentration... Tell them what will happen in the lesson – Visual Timetable – Time frame Include a mixture of routines and surprises Be multi-sensory: active learning; try to include activities you know they enjoy – e.g. Role play; finishing with a game; discussing subjects that they enjoy etc.

13 Improving memory... Multi-sensory learning is the key! Visual... – colour coding – Spider plans – Visualisation – Drawing to explain ideas – Posters/ displays – Sequencing cards Auditory... – Explaining – Discussing – Reading aloud – Using mnemonics – Setting to music – Making up a story around it

14 Improving memory... Multi-sensory learning is the key! Kinaesthetic – Acting out processes and concepts – Role play – Sequencing objects/ movements – Touching and Handling objects – Moving around, changing position Games – are multi- sensory and fun – Adapt games you know, e.g. Snakes and ladders, matching pairs, snap, move around a board doing tasks etc.

15 Improving Confidence... Give lots of specific praise – Specific sticker/ star charts Expect them to succeed Always stay patient – it’s difficult for them! Encourage – Don’t always correct every single mistake – Give more positive feedback than negative Admit you’re fallible – e.g. if too difficult work set/ if you don’t know how to do something Exchange knowledge e.g. By getting them to teach you some words in their first language

16 Improving Motivation... Make it as fun and interesting as possible Show the progress made – Make SMART targets – Reward personal best – Try making a graph or chart Give recognition for trying Make rewards tangible e.g. Certificate, sticker Show how it’s relevant - Link to the future, what job they would like to do Be enthusiastic yourself

17 Teaching maths and science... Only teach what you know Look at revision guides for help Make sure you teach the same method as taught at school – better not to teach than to risk creating confusion Often wording of instructions creates the main difficulty Contact teacher if the child can’t tell you specifically what they need help in

18 Exam Boards Cheney school: English - AQA, Maths – Edexcel, Science – OCR St Gregory the Great: English -AQA, Maths – Edexcel, Science – AQA Oxford Community School: Cherwell:

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