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Courtney Cameron Nichole Bitz Kelsee Dehn. Background Information Company profile – Don Fisher – Started Gap in 1969 – $14.2 billion in sales (2009) –

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1 Courtney Cameron Nichole Bitz Kelsee Dehn

2 Background Information Company profile – Don Fisher – Started Gap in 1969 – $14.2 billion in sales (2009) – 13,000 estimated employees – 3,100 stores – Expanded line to Gap kids, Baby Gap, Gap Maternity, and Gap Body. – “Gap has become a cultural icon by offering clothing and accessories rooted in cool, confident and casual style to customers around the world.”- Gap Inc.

3 Culturally sensitive Company Half of the sales of (Product) RED collection go to the global fund to programs that help women & children impacted by AIDS in Africa. Campaign features celebrities from Bono to Oprah Winfrey. wse/ wse/

4 America’s Favorite Casual Clothing Store Comes To Thailand Image 1

5 Location, location, location… March of 2010, Bangkok Thailand opened its first Gap store in Central World Plaza mall. Central World Plaza is Southeast Asia’s second largest mall. The opening was crowded, as to be expected, but it seems the high expectations and built up hype may have been a let down. Located on the ground floor, by the two main entrances.


7 The Staff The Gap assistants are similar to American shop assistants; speaking very good English which is still unique in Bangkok. They are knowledgeable about the products and quick to pull product s off the shelf. Well trained in the American way of helping customers. Image 3

8 Struggles with Performance The Gap Bangkok did not adapt to the cultural needs of Thailand in order to stay true to their American image. – Temps year round in Thailand are in the 90’s, Gap seasonal lines are consistent with the Western cultures weather As well as the color choices for the seasons. – Language barrier, English being the first language.

9 The Gap look Men: Larger selection then women's, very typical and plain. Women: Limited accessories, sparse and somewhat pricey and dull in color and variety. Image 2

10 Sources as_favorite.html?cat=46 Pictures: Image 1: g Image 2: _070808.jpg&imgrefurl= gap.php&usg=__cmNWN7URCgdq2bNYL4JyC9dDLU0=&h=400&w=600&sz=45&hl= en&start=12&itbs=1&tbnid=vv_2ILyt- DYNRM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgap%2Boutfits%26hl%3Den %26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1 Image 3: efurl= gap.html&usg=__bTFfRJv6RBXXB9CKuiNqVq- zidA=&h=613&w=820&sz=331&hl=en&start=1&itbs=1&tbnid=sW7A654qgF5u8M: &tbnh=108&tbnw=144&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgap%2Bhello%2Bbangkok%26hl%3 Den%26sa%3DX%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1

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