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Kwantlen Librarians’ Training Day, December 14, 2010 Chris Burns & Ulrike Kestler Zotero.

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Presentation on theme: "Kwantlen Librarians’ Training Day, December 14, 2010 Chris Burns & Ulrike Kestler Zotero."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kwantlen Librarians’ Training Day, December 14, 2010 Chris Burns & Ulrike Kestler Zotero

2 2 Session goal  To provide a hands-on experience using Zotero in order to:  Inform discussion at a future Librarians’ Meeting on whether/how to provide training & support for faculty and (perhaps down the road) students  Provide an introduction to a tool that librarians and library groups could use (if they wish) to organize bibliographic info manually

3 3 Today’s objectives  Librarians will each have a personal Zotero account and will be able to:  Download and install Zotero  Create folders to store bibliographic info  Add several common types of references to their folders, both manually and by downloading info  Generate an APA-formatted bibliography  Sync their account so they can work from any computer

4 Advanced topics not covered  Sorting & searching citations  Transferring citations from EndNote, etc.  Retrieving metadata from PDF’s  Integrating Zotero with Word  Creating shared accounts

5 Why citation software?  demand from faculty  useful for students  may encourage students to document their work more carefully  becoming fairly common  Word includes References citation manager

6 Why Zotero?  fully-featured citation manager  comparable to EndNote and RefWorks  well-integrated with many databases  open source  stable  actively developed by user community  commonly used at academic libraries, esp. those without other options  FREE!

7 How does it compare?  See UC Berkeley’s comparison chart   Dean Giustini’s comparison of RefWorks, Zotero and Mendeley  2010 2010

8 8 Strengths  Free  web-based  supports group collaboration  integrates with Word  stores PDF’s and other files  captures metadata from PDF’s  strong user community

9 9 Weaknesses  Firefox only (for now)  does not automatically de-duplicate entries  doesn’t work with as many databases (yet)  e.g. WilsonWeb databases  fewer output citation styles  may have more citation errors

10 Who else uses Zotero?  UBC (offers classes)  Harvard  Stanford  MIT  Yale  UCLA  longer list available at: 

11 Essentials  Firefox only right now  IE, Safari and Chrome coming soon  Must be installed on each computer you use  Citations can be stored on local computer or synced to Zotero server (recommended)

12 Installing Zotero: 1-2-3  Download and install Zotero software on your computer  Create personal Zotero account  Set up Preferences to automatically sync your account  Harvard Video:

13 13 Installing Zotero: Step 1  Download and install Zotero software:  Open Firefox browser  Go to Zotero home page  Click on red Download button ▪  Allow Firefox to install Zotero ▪it will be installed as an Add-on program in your Firefox browser  Restart Firefox you should see a Zotero icon on the bottom of your screen in the status bar

14 14 Installing Zotero: Step 2  Create personal Zotero account:  Go to Zotero home page  Click on Register ▪  Complete form ▪you will need to create a username and password ▪Zotero will send you a confirmation email  Open webmail to get confirmation email ▪

15 15 Installing Zotero: Step 3  Set up Zotero Preferences to sync automatically:  Open Firefox browser  Open Zotero window ▪click on Zotero icon at bottom of screen ▪OR, click on Tools in menu bar, then Zotero  Open Preferences window from gear icon only more thing to do...

16 16 Set up Zotero Preferences Enter your username and password Match these settings if not already set by default Click on Sync icon

17 Syncing your account  Zotero data syncing  syncs metadata, tags, notes (not full-text)  Zotero file storage  stores and syncs attachments, PDF’s and other files for personal and group libraries  uses Amazon S3 cloud storage  100 MB free storage ▪costs for additional storagecosts  max size of single file is 4 GB

18 Lunch!  Please be back by 2 o’clock for part two

19 19 Overview of the dashboard My Library (master folder) Collection (folder) Sub-collection (sub-folder) List of entries in one (sub)-collection (see icons for associated notes, PDF and link to full text) Record for one item in selected collection (see tabs for notes, tags, etc.) Lookup metadata by ISBN or DOI Add note Create new entry from current page Attach link or file Create new manual entry Hierarchical arrangement

20 Create a new folder  Click on New Folder icon  Give folder a title (e.g. Training day)

21 Book citations  Downloading from a compatible library catalogue  Click on blue book icon  Exports citation information, tags, URL to record  Can add notes, tags, snapshot of page

22 Kwantlen catalogue  Problem with latest Sirsi upgrade:  Our catalogue lost the book icon (which signals easy downloading of citation info); no longer downloads nicely into Zotero  It’s a known problem that is posted on the Zotero developer’s page; hoping for a fix soon  For now, we recommend downloading info from another library catalogue such as UBC, SFU or WorldCat if you want to avoid manual data entry

23 Book chapter  Manually entering citation info (no book icon)

24 Journal article  Many Kwantlen databases allow for direct exporting to Zotero (handout)  Main ways of exporting an article  Click on Export function; export to RefWorks most of the times works  Click on Article icon in URL box  Can add notes, tags, attachments (e.g. pdf)

25 Journal article

26 Websites  Create new item from current page (no icon beside URL) Save PDF to desktop. We’ll attach it in the next step Click icon to capture info about this webpage

27 27 Attach PDF to entry  Click on New Child Attachment icon  Choose saved PDF file from desktop; it is now attached to the ‘parent’ entry

28 Article from Google Scholar article Google Scholar creates a folder with all articles on this screen; click folder icon to choose which one(s) you want to download into Zotero. Automatically includes a snapshot of the article

29 Creating a bibliography  Right click on folder to show output options  Click on Create Bibliography from Collection

30 30 Choose output style  All basic citation styles included; many more available for download RTF = for word processor HTML = to save as web page Clipboard = to paste into another application Print = to print immediately

31 31 Save bibliography

32 32 Rough bibliography The uncorrected bibliography is full of errors. This is mostly because the information in the entries was not checked and corrected before creating the bibliography.

33 33 Canada. Department of Justice. (n.d.). Table of Private Acts (1867 to December 31, 2008). Justice Laws Web Site. Retrieved December 13, 2010, from Justice Education Society of BC. (n.d.). Justice Education Society. Retrieved December 13, 2010, from Law Library of Congress (Library of Congress). (2010a, August 20). Legal Research Guide: China. Law Library of Congress. Retrieved December 13, 2010, from of Congress). (2010a, Augus Law Library of Congress (Library of Congress). (2010b, August 30). Foreign and International Law. Law Library of Congress. Retrieved December 13, 2010, from August 30). Foreign and Internationa Cleaned up bibliography

34 Syncing your account  link to slide 14slide 14

35 Syncing your account  link to slide 14slide 14

36 36 Backing up your files  Instructions at:  o_library o_library

37 Objectives Met?  Librarians each have a personal Zotero account and are able to:  Download and install Zotero  Create folders to store bibliographic info  Add several common types of references to their folders, both manually and by downloading info  Generate an APA-formatted bibliography  Sync their account so they can work from any computer

38 38 Questions?

39 Additional resources  Zotero Support   Additional tutorials will be added to this slide

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