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Rates of Magnetic Enhancement in Loessic Soils Estimated From Profiles of Rapidly Eroding Soils C. E. Geiss L. D. Urbano C. Munroe.

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Presentation on theme: "Rates of Magnetic Enhancement in Loessic Soils Estimated From Profiles of Rapidly Eroding Soils C. E. Geiss L. D. Urbano C. Munroe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rates of Magnetic Enhancement in Loessic Soils Estimated From Profiles of Rapidly Eroding Soils C. E. Geiss L. D. Urbano C. Munroe


3 Rates of Magnetic Enhancement Two “end members” B. Maher – magnetic properties develop over short time periods (especially in loess) M. Singer – California chronosequences show that magnetic enhancement might progress over very long time periods And many others in between or even farther out…


5 2009


7 Simple 1D Magnetic Enhancement Model Rate of magnetic susceptibility enhancement decays exponentially with depth: (Anderson and Hallet, Quat.Res. 41, 1996) Model allows for lowering of soil surface By specifying an erosion rate

8 Is exponential decay appropriate ? Mount Calvary Cemetery, IA (and many others in the region) Deep, magnetically enhanced A-horizon Exponential decay model: accumulation of dust leads to thick A-horizons (e.g., Mason and Jacobs, Geology, 26, 1998)


10 Map courtesy of Isabel Iwachiw

11 T7 C (m 3 /kg)



14 Additional Limitations mineral transformations mt only intermediate stage? (e.g., Oches, 1996, Barron and Torrent, 2003 etc.) equilibrium with climate in stable soils enhancement never ceases, does not reach stable equilibrium

15 Thank you !

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