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AAE450 Spring 2009 OTV Attitude Propulsion Thursday, January 22, 2009 Ryan Lehto, Propulsion.

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Presentation on theme: "AAE450 Spring 2009 OTV Attitude Propulsion Thursday, January 22, 2009 Ryan Lehto, Propulsion."— Presentation transcript:

1 AAE450 Spring 2009 OTV Attitude Propulsion Thursday, January 22, 2009 Ryan Lehto, Propulsion

2 AAE450 Spring 2009  Assumptions –Total maneuver impulse : 6400 N*s –Use shortest moment arm : 1.5m –ISP lower for pulse mode : ~210 sec  Hydrazine Capabilities –Total Impulse: 15,000 – 561,388 sec –Number of Cycles: 609- 402,000 –Reliability: Up to 420,000 pulses  Future Optimizations –Fuel Usage/Fuel Efficiency –Thruster Placement Ryan Lehto Propulsion

3 AAE450 Spring 2009 Preliminary Sizing  OTV Maneuvering Tanks –One Hydrazine Attitude Control System –Four Banks of Four Thrusters => 16 total. – –Cost: Fuel ~$1100  Heritage Information –Apollo Lander Used 489N Thrusters Ryan Lehto, Propulsion

4 AAE450 Spring 2009 Back-Up Slides Ryan Lehto, Propulsion Complied by from Aerojet Documents

5 AAE450 Spring 2009 Ryan Lehto, Propulsion

6 AAE450 Spring 2009  Hydrazine $160/lb  Source: Defense Energy Support Center – FY 2009 Data  Mprop= I/Isp*g0 Ryan Lehto, Propulsion

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