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Trends in the atmospheric methane burden Parker Kraus.

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Presentation on theme: "Trends in the atmospheric methane burden Parker Kraus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends in the atmospheric methane burden Parker Kraus

2 Methane emissions

3 Methane measurement network


5 CH 4 CH 3 CH 3 O 2 CH 3 OOH CH 3 O CH 2 OCHO CO OHO 2, M NO HO 2 OH O2O2 hv hv, O 2 OH O2O2 hv Methane oxidation In clean troposphere, ~70% of OH reacts with CO, 30% with CH 4


7 “Bottom up” estimation of methane emission



10 Growth rate of atmospheric methane (ppb/yr) Figure by Ken Masarie


12 Methane emissions


14 Methane emission from terrestrial vegetation


16 Atmospheric constraint

17 Scaling by biomass instead of NPP

18 In summary: The decreasing rate of atmospheric methane accumulation remains mysterious. The most significant drivers of atmospheric methane concentrations, wetland emissions and OH concentrations, are poorly constrained. Tropical fires and Arctic warm anomalies produce (relatively) clear signals. I don’t think terrestrial plants emit methane.

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