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1 Ravi Vatrapu Augmented Reality 3D Interactive Ads on Smartphones Chehimi, F., Coulton, P., & Edwards, R. (2007). Augmented Reality 3D.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ravi Vatrapu Augmented Reality 3D Interactive Ads on Smartphones Chehimi, F., Coulton, P., & Edwards, R. (2007). Augmented Reality 3D."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ravi Vatrapu Augmented Reality 3D Interactive Ads on Smartphones Chehimi, F., Coulton, P., & Edwards, R. (2007). Augmented Reality 3D Interactive Advertisements on Smartphones. Sixth International Conference on the Management of Mobile Business (ICMB 2007). Course Portal: Facebook: Etherpad: Thursday, 14-Apr-2011 EB22: Online Marketing: Lecture 38 Auditorium 4, ITU, Copenhagen, Denmark

2 A UGMENTED R EALITY -1 “Augmented Reality refers to a display in which simulated imagery, graphics, or symbology is superimposed on a view of the surrounding environment ” ( “Augmented reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or augmented by) virtual computer-generated imagery - creating a mixed reality.” (Wikipedia) 2

3 A UGMENTED R EALITY -2 “Augmented Reality (AR) describes technologies that enable users to see and interact with virtual computer generated content which is superimposed on the real (physical) world.” (p.1) “It enhances users’ perceptions of the world by mixing a view of it with virtual elements relevant to their context.” (p.1) 3

4 S YSTEM D ESIGN Q UESTIONS 1.What are the design requirements for the tag? 2.How does the mobile phone decode such a tag? 3.And, how is the superimposed content being rendered on screen? 4

5 A UGMENTED R EALITY M OBILE A DS -1 “The downloaded content could be, but not restricted to, one of the following: 1.A 3-D model representing the product or the brand being advertised enabling better viewing, awareness and affection 2.Interactive textual information directing users to location-based services and/or offers” 5

6 A UGMENTED R EALITY M OBILE A DS -2 3.Visual links to events’ and/or promotions’ mobile web sites 4.Location-based nodes for product-awareness games 5.Guiding avatars used for shopping centres/malls providing offers and promotions in addition to information about sales and directions” 6

7 D ISTRIBUTION M ODELS  Packaged with operator-branded mobile phones  Location-based 7

8 C ONCLUSION Mobile AR ads should be:  Personal  Creative  Intimate 8


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