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Using Technology in Teaching and Learning to Engage Students Blogs Online Journals Wikis Class Websites Using Online Software Virtual Field Trips Technology and Learning Scholastic Keys Suite (K-5) for MS Office (6-12+) Interactive Whiteboards Tablets & Smartphones E-readers Smart Pens Imaging Hardware Hardware Rosalind Bigg Software Barbara Mundrick Internet Jessica Martelli Audio/Visual Gail Hamilton
Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students Change in Student and Teacher Roles Increased Motivation and Self Esteem Increased Learning and Technical Skills Accomplishment of More Complex Tasks More collaboration with Peers Increased Use of Outside Resources Improved Design Skills/Attention to Audience
How Does Technology Increase Learning? Teachers who implement technology into their content areas report encouraging results. As students are busy manipulating data and learning by doing, involvement in their own learning increases along with enthusiasm. Students are no longer passive recipients of knowledge; they become active participants in the learning process. The learning environment is positively affected by the use of technology-based instructional strategies. Students persist longer in their studies and learning tasks when the learning environment is a positive and happy one.
The Networked Teacher will use: Blogs Wikis Internet Activities Free Online Software (i.e., podcasts and movies) Virtual Field Trips Simulated Experiments E-Readers SmartPens Word Processing Software Presentation Software Spreadsheet Software Artistic/Creative Software Interactive Whiteboards Imaging Hardware Tablets and Smartphones
E-Reader Student-friendly Design Built-in dictionary Ability to make notes in margins Integrated search tools Can be reimaged annually for redistribution Economical Customize and download fresh, up-to-date content inexpensively E-Readers lasts longer than textbooks
Smartpens Record Audio Playback Audio Built-in Speaker Audio Jack Save, Search, and Share Pencasts App Integration Backlit OLED Display Internal Memory Storage
Imaging Hardware Take Pictures and Video with Audio Literally, offers the subject a viewer’s perspective Video Conferencing Interactive Feedback Video Podcasts Instantly increases engagement
Tablets & Smartphones HTML Browser Thin & Lightweight Work from anywhere Access to multimedia Variety of Apps Education Communication Productivity Recreation
Introducing Scholastic Keys for Early Learning of MS Office Skills MaxWrite has easy-to-use icons and special tools that make it fun and easy for students to express themselves on the printed page. MaxWrite also includes easy-to-use templates for invitations, cards, and letters. MaxShow encourages children to create fun, powerful presentations with their own sounds and pictures. MaxCount gives young students an easy, attractive way to learn about numbers, charts, and graphs. Scholastic Keys 2007 contains creativity and management tools not available in Microsoft® Office. MaxPaint is a fun and engaging drawing program that works easily with all three programs. MaxRecorder is a customized audio recording and creativity tool built into MaxShow. Scholastic Keys 2007 includes Management Tools that allow teachers to customize features and content for the needs of each student.
Using technology (such as the Scholastic Keys Suite of programs) in her classroom, this teacher is able to engage her students, build self esteem, promote and enhance learning and creative abilities as well as technical skills. Learning with Technology
Scholastic Keys Suite and the Interactive Whiteboard When using Scholastic Keys with an interactive whiteboard, you can: Promote learning with an age-appropriate interface projected in a large format Collaborate as a class during activities that involve writing, communication, and publishing Create and customize documents, graphs, and presentations Implement a variety of cross-curricular activities in math, science, language arts, social studies, and technology Present information in a dynamic manner and showcase student work These boards are colorful, motivating, and can accommodate different age groups and motor skills while providing support for all learning styles.
MaxWrite for Word Create stories, letters, invitations, and Microsoft Word documents Icons and tools, including a doodling pad Easy – to – use icons and tools, including a doodle pad Fun templates for invitations, flyers, letters, and cards that spark students’ creativity.
MaxShow for PowerPoint Students and teachers can: Create exciting MS PowerPoint presentations Using pictures, animations, and movies. Children can record their own sounds and voices to insert in presentations. The text-to-speech function allows children to present to non-reading friends. Share work present to friends, family, and classmates
MaxCount for Excel MaxCount gives students a fun way to learn many of the basic skills associated with Microsoft Excel Learn about numbers, graphing, counting, sorting, grouping, and matching Create tables, spreadsheets, and charts Easy and fun
Scholastic Keys Features Intuitive, kid-friendly interface Easy to create and customize documents, spreadsheets, and presentations A variety of pre-designed document layouts. MaxPaint — a robust doodle- pad drawing tool Text-to-speech reader Clip art library with over 800 images Import your own pictures, sounds, and movies Dozens of pre-recorded sound files Voice and sound recorder Math activities for counting, matching, and grouping Large toolbar icons Computers and software with special features (such as voice recognition) are especially important in allowing many students with a range of disabilities to participate in normal classroom activities that would otherwise be impossible.
What is a Blog? A blog is a Web publishing tool that allows authors to quickly and easily self-publish text, artwork, links to other blogs or Web sites, and a whole array of other content.
Using a Blog In the Classroom Classroom Management Class blogs can serve as a portal to foster a community of learners. As they are easy to create and update efficiently, they can be used to inform students of class requirements, post handouts, notices, and homework assignments, or act as a question and answer board. Collaboration Blogs provide a space where teachers and students can work to further develop writing or other skills with the advantage of an instant audience. Teachers can offer instructional tips, and students can practice and benefit from peer review. They also make online mentoring possible. For example, a class of older students can help a class of younger students develop more confidence in their writing skills. Students can also participate in cooperative learning activities that require them to relay research findings, ideas, or suggestions. Discussions A class blog opens the opportunity for students to discuss topics outside of the classroom. With a blog, every person has an equal opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions. Students have time to react to ideas and reflect on learning. Teachers can also bring together a group of knowledgeable individuals for a given unit of study for students to network and conference with on a blog. Student Portfolios Blogs present, organize, and protect student work as digital portfolios. As older entries are archived, developing skills and progress may be analyzed more conveniently. Additionally, as students realize their efforts will be published, they are typically more motivated to produce better writing. Teachers and peers may conference with a student individually on a developing work, and expert or peer mentoring advice can be easily kept for future reference.
Benefits of Blogs Blogs can be: motivating to students, especially those who otherwise might not become participants in classrooms excellent opportunities for students to read and write. effective forums for collaboration and discussion. used to keep parents involved by posting pictures of field trips, listen to podcasts and other important events going on in the school.
What is a Wiki? Wikis are usually very simple interfaces designed for maximum speed on the internet. Just like any Web site, a teacher starts with a home page. Clicking a link allows anyone to create a new page on the Web site. The page is given a name and the contributor is presented with a blank page with basic word processor tools. Photos, clipart, charts, and even video can be added to the page as well as just text.
Using a Wiki in a Classroom Classroom Management Teachers can use wikis to post assignments, outlines for class lecture and discussion, notes for class assignments, Teachers can lock a wiki to prevent changes to their pages if they choose. Collaboration Peer editing can be effective with a wiki. Students can work together to produce a document and discuss the organization as they work through the process. Students can also write individual papers and receive help from other students and adults. Producing a piece of writing that can be viewed on the internet gives students a wider audience. When the audience expands beyond the teacher, students feel that their writing is more significant and they will take more ownership for their work. Discussions Because a wiki provides a means for discussion, the constructive criticism received can help students to think through the process of writing. Discussions can also give students positive feedback and stimulate higher-order thinking. Discussion can facilitate healthy exchanges of opinion on controversial topics. Students will motivate each other to think about current issues because they will have the chance for lively interchange of ideas. Student Portfolios Wikis can be a repository for student projects. Students can keep all their brainstorming ideas, research notes, and links in one place. This can be a hedge against plagiarism, and also help students to stay organized.
Online Software & Virtual Field Trips Teachers can use online software for independent and collaborative learning on authentic tasks Students can create and produce independent or group projects with online software programs Audacity and Xtranormal are free, online software programs teachers can use to engage students Virtual field trips allow students to visit and interact with various sites
Audacity Recording Recording and audio editing software Record live audio, capture streaming audio, or digitize recordings from other media Edit sounds Runs on Mac OS X, Windows, GNU Linux Create podcasts Teachers Instructions Lectures Listening practice for language learners Students Presentations Speeches Speaking practice when learning languages
Xtranormal Movie making software Type in dialogue to create script Select from a variety of characters – multiethnic, male, female, young, old voices – male, female, multiethnic accents gestures and facial expressions locations – classroom, dorm, office music and background noises Teachers can make movies Giving instructions Introducing a course or topic Explaining a topic or concept Students can make movies Demonstrating their knowledge of a topic Showing their creativity on class topics
Virtual Field Trips Allow students to visit and interact with various sites Incorporate into scaffolded projects to encourage student autonomy Variety of websites for ideas, museums, zoos, etc., are available on the Internet Try Science “... science and technology through on and offline interactivity with science and technology centers worldwide.” Vatican website virtual tours Sistine Chapel Can create projects that include architecture, paintings, and sculpture
References Arends, R. I. (2009). Learning Communities and Student Motivation. In M. Ryan (Ed.), Learning to Teach (8th ed., p. 153). Boston, MA: David S. Patterson, McGraw-Hill. (Original work published 1988) Arends, R.I. (2009). Classroom Technology. In Learning to Teach (pp.177-180). New York; McGraw- Hill. Egbert, J., (2005). CALL Essentials: Principles and Practice in CALL Classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL). (pp. 7-8, 75, 172) Hanson-Smith, E., (2000). Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL). (pp. 47) Ormrod, J.E.(2011). Computer Websites. In Educational Psychology (pp.422-423). Boston, MA; Pearson Education, Inc. Ryan, K., & Cooper, J. M. (2010). Assistive Technology. In L. Mafrici (Ed.), Those Who Can, Teach (12th ed., p. 79). Australia: WADSWORTH Cengage Learning. (Original work published 2007) Sharp, V. F. (2009). Classroom Presentation Devices. In Computer Education for Teachers: Integrating Technology into Classroom Teaching (6th ed., p. 26). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Sharp, V. F., (2009). Computer Education for Teachers: Integrating Technology Into Classroom Teaching. (6 th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (p. 206) Sharp, V. F. (2009). Computer education for teachers: Integrating technology into classroom teaching (6th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Sharp, V.F. (2009). Emerging Web Technologies. In Computer Education for Teachers (pp.204-205). Danvers, MA; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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References ( continued ) Snyder, T. (2008). Scholastic Keys Feature Keys Guide. Retrieved June 30, 2011, from Tom Snyder Productions: A Scholastic Company website: Snyder, T. (2008). Scholastic Keys. Retrieved June 29, 2011, from Tom Snyder Productions: A Scholastic Company website: SRI International. (2004). Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students [The benefits of using technology in the classroom.]. Retrieved July 2, 2011, from US Department of Education (ED) website: Taylor, C. (2011, January 17). County libraries see benefits in lending e-readers. National Association of Counties, 43(1). Retrieved from Current%20Issue/1-17- 11/Pages/Countylibrariesseebenefitsinlendinge-readers.aspx Try Science. (2011). Retrieved Jul. 13, 2011 from Vatican Virtual Tour Websites Sistine Chapel Whiteboard Guide for Scholastic Keys [How to use Scholastic Keys with whiteboards]. (2008, January 7). Retrieved July 3, 2011, from Wong, W. (n.d.). Rewriting the Book. EdTech Focus on K-12. Retrieved from k12/events/updates/rewriting-the-book.html Xtranormal. (2011). Retrieved Jun. 29, 2011 from
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