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In Times Like These. In times like these you need a Savior, in times like these you need an anchor be very sure,

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Presentation on theme: "In Times Like These. In times like these you need a Savior, in times like these you need an anchor be very sure,"— Presentation transcript:

1 In Times Like These

2 In times like these you need a Savior, in times like these you need an anchor be very sure,

3 Be very sure your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock! This Rock is Jesus, yes, he’s the one;

4 This rock is Jesus, The only One! Be very sure, be very sure your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

5 In times like these I have a Savior, In times like these I have an anchor; I’m very sure, I’m very sure

6 My anchor holds and grips The solid Rock!

7 This Rock is Jesus, yes, he’s the one; This Rock is Jesus, the only one! I’m very sure,

8 I’m very sure my anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

9 Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Lesson 5 - Stewardship

10 Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Stewardship is most often thought of as the proper use of money, however, Biblically speaking it is the proper use of time, talents as well as all that God has given.

11 Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life God supplies both the gift of time and the work to do during that time. For those things He has called us to do He supplies – time and resources.

12 Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Time………. Is short James 4:14 Is uncertain Proverbs 27:1

13 Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Time………. Cannot be regained John 9:4 Is passing I John 2:17

14 Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life The wise use of time………. Defeats evil Ephesians 5:15,16 Is highly valued by God Romans 14:12

15 Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life The wise use of time…… Is always an issue at death Proverbs 5:11 Is a slippery slope I Kings 10:27

16 Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life 1. God owns everything you own. Psalm 24:1 2. Giving is an act of worship. Philippians 4:18 Seven Biblical mandates concerning money.

17 Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Seven Biblical mandates concerning money. 3. Giving is a reflection of your faith in God’s ability to provide. Mark 12:41-44 4. Giving is to be sacrificial and generous. II Corinthians 8:1-5

18 Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life 5. Giving is a reflection of spiritual trustworthiness. Luke 16:10-12 6. Giving is to be done willingly, thankfully and cheerfully II Corinthians 9:7 Seven Biblical mandates concerning money.

19 Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life 7. Giving is a reflection of spiritual trustworthiness. Luke 16:13 8. Giving should be planned and systematic I Corinthians 16:1-2 Seven Biblical mandates concerning money.

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