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Integrated planning  Understand integrated planning process  Describe SAP integrated planning technology or tool (SAP-IP)

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated planning  Understand integrated planning process  Describe SAP integrated planning technology or tool (SAP-IP)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Integrated planning  Understand integrated planning process  Describe SAP integrated planning technology or tool (SAP-IP)

3 Definition  A formulaic process  To define quantitative and actionable goals and objectives  Using data and functions based on enterprise and interoperable standards

4 Analogy  From silo transactional systems to mySAP ERP  From silo planning systems (e.g., all the Excel programs in various departments) to SAP-IP

5 Pros and Cons of Spreadsheets  Pros Small businesses Extremely individual requirements Short-term need  Cons Process control Access protection Performance Complexity Consolidation Seasonal trend model Growing company Organizational changes

6 SAP-IP architecture and tool  Architectural components (Fig 9-4) Aggregation levels Plan data cache Planning data services Planning sequences Planning functions  Which are defined in a planning model using Planning Modeler

7 Role of Planning Modeler SAP Operational Data Non-SAP Operational Data SAP NetWeaver BI Data 3rd-Party BI Data BI Consumer Services Data Sources SAP NetWeaver BI Accelerator Open Hub Services Operational Data Store Data Marts Data Warehouse Virtual- Provider Query Designer Planning Modeler Analytic Engine PSA Downstream System ODBO/XMLA Web Services Near-Line Storage Meta Data Repository BI Layer InfoObjects / Master Data Data Flow Control / Process Chains Monitoring / Administration Information Broadcasting Analyzer BI Consumer Services Visual Composer Embedded BI BI Kit Services & BAPIS Composite Report Designer Web Application Designer Web Analyzer Business Explorer Suite (BEx) SAP NetWeaver Portal UI s can be embedded Enterprise Search WorklistsKnowledge ManagementCollaboratio n Web Services Enterpris e Report BI App Ad Hoc Planning Layout MS Excel

8 Basic planning components Data:Real-time InfoCubes Planning model: – Aggregation levels (slices of Infocube) – Data transformation: input ready queries planning functions (e.g. Copy, Formula ) – Filter and variables to parameterize data selections and planning objects – Data protection mechanism: Lock services Authorizations Data slices

9 Basic Steps

10 Planning Applications  Combine queries to enter data with planning functions and thereby support planners in modifying the plan data.  Functions can be used during data input (e.g., modifying the data by a percentage or distributing yearly values to months) and showing the effects of planned data (e.g., simulation of the income statement after entering planned sales volumes).

11 Planning Applications (an example) A combination of a query to enter sales volumes with a function for the determination of revenues based on a price list which was previously maintained centrally. A query for yearly values and a planning function to distribute to months (e.g., seasonal) to facilitate the planning of sales volume on a monthly basis (with either yearly or monthly values being entered by planners)

12 Similar example

13 Planning Modeler works with 5 tabs (e.g., Function: Formula)

14 InfoProvider tab  SAP-IP uses real-time InfoCubes  To support write-back  MultiProviders to supply static data  Choose account-based over key- figure-based models

15 Aggregation levels tab  Each plan uses a subset or slice of the real-time InfoCube  As defined in the aggregation level ( a subset of the characteristics)

16 Filter tab  Planning data is further “selected” from the InfoCube through the various filters defined  Including BEx variables, hierarchies, navigational attributes and dates

17 Planning functions tab  Data manipulations, transformations, and calculations are done via planning functions  Use transaction and reference data  Done in memory (plan data cache)  Only committed to the InfoCube when data is saved (see the save button in the case study)

18 Planning functions (basic)  Data operations (delete, copy, repost)  Characteristic relationships (delete invalid combinations, repost, generation combinations)  Valuations (currency translation, unit conversion, revaluation)

19 Planning functions (advanced)  Distribution (of data over a planning hierarchy)  Forecasting  Formula (for custom-defined functions) using FOX language

20 Planning sequences tab  Grouping multiple manual or automated planning steps  Into process chains for background processing  Or for monitoring and control of planning via Status and Tracking (STS)

21 Status and Tracking System

22 Overview of Case Study

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