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Land & Water  Land: 1,038,700 sq km  Water: 100,210 sq km.

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2 Land & Water  Land: 1,038,700 sq km  Water: 100,210 sq km

3 Climate & Vegetation  Tropical, however cooler in highlands and mountains.

4 Natural Resources  Petroleum  Natural gas  Coal  Iron ore  Nickel  Gold  Copper Emeralds Hydropower

5 History

6 Independence  Independence from Spain  Simon Bolivar  Declared: July 20 th, 1810  Recognized: August 7 th, 1819

7 21 st Century  Actively trying to eradicate country of Guerilla Groups  Huge wealth divide. Attempting to fix.  Good relations with USA, EU. – Plan Colombia  Attempting to obtain free trade agreement with USA.  Big player in UNASUL

8 Information

9 Economic Systems  Capitalist  Free Economy – Minimal GovernmentIntervention

10 Political Systems  Republic  First Constitutional Government  Executive Branch Dominates  Leader: President Juan Manuel Santos

11 Statistics  GDP: $435.5 Billion (29 in world)  GDP per Capita: $9,800 (110 in World)  Unemployment: 11.8%  Imports: Industrial equipment, Transportation equipment, Consumer goods, Chemicals, Paperproducts, Fuels, Electricity.  Exports: Petroleum, Coffee, Coal, Nickel, Emeralds, Apparel, Bananas, Cut flowers  US 42%, EU 12.6%, China 5.2%, Ecuador 4.5%

12 Statistics  Life Expectancy:  Male: 71.27 years  F emale: 78.03 year  Death Rate: 5.26 deaths/1,000 population  Urban Population: 75% of total population

13 Culture

14 Demographics  Population: 44,725,543  People: Mestizo 58%, White 20%, Mulatto 14%, Black 4%, Mixed black-Amerindian 3%, Amerindian 1%

15 Cultures & Traditions  Mixed European, African & Indigenous  Old Encomienda System  Carnival

16 Food, Music, Language  Official Language: Spanish  Cumbia – Latin American Music and Dance, Originated inColombia.  Vallenato  Salsa (From Cuba)  Ajiaco(Chicken, Corn, Potato Stew)  Roasted Ants  Indigenous Bananas

17 Famous People  Stella Arroyave – Sir Anthony Hopkins Wife  Shakira  Juan Pablo Montoya  Iván Ramiro Córdoba Sepúlveda Football Player (Inter) Pablo Escobar

18 Questions

19 Region  Latin America  Northern South America  Just Below Central America

20 What Makes It Special?  Separates Central America from Southern America.  Important country in South America  Actively trying to pacify Drug Trade.  Strong ally of USA / Neighbor of Venezuela

21 Similarities  Latin American Country  Culture  Language  Strong opposition groups  Problems with Drug Trade  Mining

22 Differences  Very Friendly with USA  Strong Democracy  Strong position against Drug Traffickers

23 SourcesSources   

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