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An Introduction To PARALLEL PROGRAMMING Ing. Andrea Marongiu

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1 An Introduction To PARALLEL PROGRAMMING Ing. Andrea Marongiu (

2 The Multicore Revolution is Here!  More instruction-level parallelism hard to find  Very complex designs needed for small gain  Thread-level parallelism appears live and well  Clock frequency scaling is slowing drastically  Too much power and heat when pushing envelope  Cannot communicate across chip fast enough  Better to design small local units with short paths  Effective use of billions of transistors  Easier to reuse a basic unit many times  Potential for very easy scaling  Just keep adding processors/cores for higher (peak) performance

3 Vocabulary in the Multi Era  AMP, Assymetric MP: Each processor has local memory, tasks statically allocated to one processor  SMP, Shared-Memory MP: Processors share memory, tasks dynamically scheduled to any processor

4 Vocabulary in the Multi Era  Heterogeneous: Specialization among processors. Often different instruction sets. Usually AMP design.  Homogeneous: all processors have the same instruction set, can run any task, usually SMP design.

5 Future Embedded Systems

6 The First Software Crisis  60’s and 70’s:  PROBLEM: Assembly Language Programming  Need to get abstraction and portability without losing performance  SOLUTION: High-level Languages (Fortran and C)  Provided “common machine language” for uniprocessors

7 The Second Software Crisis  80’s and 90’s:  PROBLEM: Inability to build and maintain complex and robust applications requiring multi-million lines of code developed by hundred programmers  Need to composability, malleability and maintainability  SOLUTION: Object-Oriented Programming (C++ and Java)  Better tools and software engineering methodology (design patterns, specification, testing)

8 The Third Software Crisis  Today:  PROBLEM: Solid boundary between hardware and software  High-level languages abstract away the hardware  Sequential performance is left behind by Moore’s Law  SOLUTION: What’s under the hood?  Language features for architectural awareness

9 The Software becomes the Problem, AGAIN  Parallelism required to gain performance  Parallel hardware is “easy” to design  Parallel software is (very) hard to write  Fundamentally hard to grasp true concurrency  Especially in complex software environments  Existing software assumes single-processor  Might break in new and interesting ways  Multitasking no guarantee to run on multiprocessor

10 Parallel Programming Principles  Coverage (Amdahl’s Law)  Communication/Synchronization  Granularity  Load Balance  Locality

11 Coverage  More, less powerful (and power-hungry) cores to achieve same performance?

12 Coverage  Amdahl's Law: The performance improvement to be gained from using some faster mode of execution is limited by the fraction of the time the faster mode can be used.  Speedup = old running time / new running time = 100 seconds / 60 seconds = 1.67

13 Amdahl’s Law  p = fraction of work that can be parallelized  n = the number of processors

14 Implications of Amdahl’s Law  Speedup tends to 1/(1-p) as number of processors tends to infinity  Parallel programming is worthwhile when programs have a lot of work that is parallel in nature Overhead

15 Overhead of Parallelism  Given enough parallel work, this is the biggest barrier to getting desired speedup  Parallelism overheads include:  cost of starting a thread or process  cost of communicating shared data  cost of synchronizing  extra (redundant) computation  Tradeoff: Algorithm needs sufficiently large units of work to run fast in parallel (I.e. large granularity), but not so large that there is not enough parallel work

16 Parallel Programming Principles  Coverage (Amdahl’s Law)  Communication/Synchronization  Granularity  Load Balance  Locality

17 Communication/Synchronization  Only few programs are “embarassingly” parallel  Programs have sequential parts and parallel parts  Need to orchestrate parallel execution among processors  Synchronize threads to make sure dependencies in the program are preserved  Communicate results among threads to ensure a consistent view of data being processed

18 Communication/Synchronization  Shared Memory  Communication is implicit. One copy of data shared among many threads  Atomicity, locking and synchronization essential for correctness  Synchronization is typically in the form of a global barrier  Distributed memory  Communication is explicit through messages  Cores access local memory  Data distribution and communication orchestration is essential for performance  Synchronization is implicit in messages Overhead

19 Parallel Programming Principles  Coverage (Amdahl’s Law)  Communication/Synchronization  Granularity  Load Balance  Locality

20 Granularity  Granularity is a qualitative measure of the ratio of computation to communication  Computation stages are typically separated from periods of communication by synchronization events

21 Granularity  Fine-grain Parallelism  Low computation to communication ratio  Small amounts of computational work between communication stages  Less opportunity for performance enhancement  High communication overhead  Coarse-grain Parallelism  High computation to communication ratio  Large amounts of computational work between communication events  More opportunity for performance increase  Harder to load balance efficiently

22 Parallel Programming Principles  Coverage (Amdahl’s Law)  Communication/Synchronization  Granularity  Load Balance  Locality

23 The Load Balancing Problem  Processors that finish early have to wait for the processor with the largest amount of work to complete  Leads to idle time, lowers utilization  Particularly urgent with barrier synchronization BALANCED workloads UNBALANCED workloads Slowest core dictates overall execution time

24 Static Load Balancing  Programmer make decisions and assigns a fixed amount of work to each processing core a priori  Works well for homogeneous multicores  All core are the same  Each core has an equal amount of work  Not so well for heterogeneous multicore  Some cores may be faster than others  Work distribution is uneven

25 Dynamic Load Balancing  Workload is partitioned in small tasks. Available tasks for processing are pushed in a work-queue  When one core finishes its allocated task, it takes on further work from the queue. The process continues until all tasks are assigned to some core for processing.  Ideal for codes where work is uneven, and in heterogeneous multicore

26 Parallel Programming Principles  Coverage (Amdahl’s Law)  Communication/Synchronization  Granularity  Load Balance  Locality

27 Memory Access Latency  Uniform Memory Access (UMA) – Shared Memory  Centrally located shared memory  All processors are equidistant (access times)  Non-Uniform Access (NUMA)  Shared memory – Processors have the same address space  data is directly accessible by all, but cost depends on the distance Placement of data affects performance  Distributed memory – Processors have private address spaces  Data access is local, but cost of messages depends on the distance Communication must be efficiently architected

28 Locality of Memory Accesses (UMA Shared Memory)  Parallel computation is serialized due to memory contention and lack of bandwidth

29 Locality of Memory Accesses (UMA Shared Memory)  Distribute data to relieve contention and increase effective bandwidth

30 Locality of Memory Accesses (NUMA Shared Memory) int main() { /* Task 1 */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) A[i][rand()] = foo (); /* Task 2 */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) B[j] = goo (); } int main() { /* Task 1 */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) A[i][rand()] = foo (); /* Task 2 */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) B[j] = goo (); } INTERCONNECT SPM CPU1 SPM CPU2 SPM CPU2 SPM CPU2 SHARED MEMORY Once parallel tasks have been assigned to different processors..

31 int main() { /* Task 1 */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) A[i][rand()] = foo (); /* Task 2 */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) B[j] = goo (); } int main() { /* Task 1 */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) A[i][rand()] = foo (); /* Task 2 */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) B[j] = goo (); } Locality of Memory Accesses (NUMA Shared Memory) INTERCONNECT SHARED MEMORY SPM CPU1 SPM CPU2 SPM CPU2 SPM CPU2 AB..phisical placement of data can have a great impact on performance!

32 int main() { /* Task 1 */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) A[i][rand()] = foo (); /* Task 2 */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) B[j] = goo (); } int main() { /* Task 1 */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) A[i][rand()] = foo (); /* Task 2 */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) B[j] = goo (); } Locality of Memory Accesses (NUMA Shared Memory) INTERCONNECT SHARED MEMORY SPM CPU1 SPM CPU2 SPM CPU2 SPM CPU2

33 int main() { /* Task 1 */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) A[i][rand()] = foo (); /* Task 2 */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) B[j] = goo (); } int main() { /* Task 1 */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) A[i][rand()] = foo (); /* Task 2 */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) B[j] = goo (); } Locality of Memory Accesses (NUMA Shared Memory) INTERCONNECT SHARED MEMORY SPM CPU1 SPM CPU2 SPM CPU2 SPM CPU2

34 Locality in Communication (Message Passing)

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