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 Mike Gamble.  Industry Hiring Trends  Hiring Process o Pre-recruiting check list o Background and education o Characteristics and skill set o Social.

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Presentation on theme: " Mike Gamble.  Industry Hiring Trends  Hiring Process o Pre-recruiting check list o Background and education o Characteristics and skill set o Social."— Presentation transcript:

1  Mike Gamble


3  Industry Hiring Trends  Hiring Process o Pre-recruiting check list o Background and education o Characteristics and skill set o Social Media o References, background check, testing  Differentiation  Retention and Turnover

4 Who in the room has added a new position in the last 12 – 24 months?


6  The January-November 2010 monthly average was +15,000 jobs  We have seen significant re-staffing in 2010 and growth in 2011 will not be as robust  The expectation for Leisure and Hospitality jobs for 2011 is +10,000 per month

7  The funding crisis  Key positions are never in question from the boards point of view  Renewed focus on fiscal responsibility  Administrative costs vs. overall budget  Relevance – really?  ROI and metrics for all  Ripple effect alive and well

8 Hiring or searching – it is all the same… The things that matter to you as a hiring manager, should be the same things that matter to you as a candidate.

9 Feedback from stakeholders (prior to rolling out a position description) Position description (more on this later) Salary range, including potential incentives Be prepared to discuss your expectations and management style Be prepared to outline the performance review process as well as professional development and growth potential Diversity (it should always be a priority)

10 Ideal background preferredDegree requirementsTop characteristics and skill sets desiredDetailed goals and objectivesJob duties and responsibilitiesTop 3 priorities for the first 12 monthsOrganizational chart

11  Position specific experience does matter o Over 95% of our clients want previous time in position o Department head entry points  Loyalty/Longevity  Results – specific metrics  Education and professional development  Take the time to verify all previous positions – employer, dates and titles


13  Core skills – make a list of the must haves  Likeability factor  Interpersonal skills – genuine  Core values – self explanatory  Loyalty  Honesty and integrity

14  Executive level tourism/hospitality experience – previous DMO experience preferred  Sales and Marketing experience a must  Convention Sales leadership experience for destinations with convention centers  Bachelor’s degree in related field  Experience with similar size budget and staff  Marketing, branding, social media experience

15  High ethics and integrity  Strong leadership skills  Exceptional communication skills  Consensus builder  Creativity and vision  Politically savvy  Entrepreneurial spirit  Strong work ethic  High likeability factor  Large “S” on the chest and X-ray vision


17  This has re-defined the hiring process  We turn to LinkedIn, Facebook and Google before conducting an initial interview  Make sure you have company guidelines regarding the use of social media  Using social media for recruiting



20  The ongoing recruiting process – 24/7/365 – target list  Educate all stakeholders about the type of people you are searching for  Define the process and develop a timeline and share the position description  Who receives and responds to resumes?  Proactive approach vs. reactive  Treat the recruiting process like a sales process  Treat all candidates like customers  How you handle this process will reflect on you and your organization

21  Remember, for the best and the brightest this will be a two way interview.  If the person is the star performer that you hope they are, they will want to make sure that this is the right company and position for them.  Let them sit in the lobby for a bit and interact with others.  Allow time for their questions.  Be sure to explain the process and timeline.  Follow up when you promised that you would (our industry is horrible at this).

22  Differentiation o Ability to speak out/up – diplomatically o Focus on the success of your boss and your company, not yourself o Do what you say you are going to do – every time o Take risks  Integrity and Strong Core Values  Communication Skills

23  Set realistic performance expectations: o What are major results / outcomes you expect? o What impact these results / outcomes have on the overall organization?  Empower people to make decisions – do not over manage  Regular communication – informal and formalized (rap sessions)  Qualify their needs  Crossroads Career Model vs. Traditional Ladder Model  Develop bench strength


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