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Careers in Mathematics. What can you do with a math degree?

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Presentation on theme: "Careers in Mathematics. What can you do with a math degree?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers in Mathematics

2 What can you do with a math degree?

3 Teach High School

4 What can you do with a math degree? Teach High School Teach College

5 What can you do with a math degree? Teach High School Teach College Hmmmm….

6 What can you do with a math degree? Teach High School Teach College Hmmmm…. Anything else?

7 Be Like Jeff Goldbloom

8 Aliens Use Math It’s the Universal Language

9 Aliens Use Math It’s the Universal Language

10 Math Rated Best Job Recent WSJ article: 200 Best Jobs. #1 Mathematician #2 Actuary #3 Statistician JANUARY 6, 2009 Doing the Math to Find the Good Jobs Mathematicians Land Top Spot in New Ranking of Best and Worst Occupations in the U.S. Sarah Needleman, Wall Street Journal

11 IN FACT: 5 of the 6 “Best Jobs” in terms of low stress, high compensation, autonomy, and hiring demand in the “Job Related Almanac” by Les Krantz are all math related.

12 The top 15 highest-earning college degrees all have one thing in common -- math skills. From a survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers

13 AN EXAMPLE: Petroleum Engineering is …the highest earning Bachelor’s degree major with median earnings of $120,000 …This is followed by Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences and Administration with median earnings of $105,000 and Mathematical and Computer Science with median earnings of $98,000. Highest Earning Majors from What’s It Worth – The Economic Value of College Majors.

14 What Kinds of Jobs are These?

15 Actuarial Sciences Risk Management Insurance Policies Pooling Risks

16 Investment Sciences Math Finance Portfolio Management Financial Analysis

17 Management Sciences Operations Research Supply Chain Management Military Logistics

18 Mathematics of Computation High Performance Computing Bio-Informatics Simulation Numerical Analysis

19 Mathematics & Information Technology Information Security Software Engineering Database Administration Systems & Network Analysis

20 Mathematical Modeling: Biology Epidemiology Population Dynamics Neuroscience Biological Networks

21 Mathematical Modeling: Earth Sciences Climatology Geophysics

22 Mathematical Modeling: Physics Fluid Dynamics Materials Science Acoustics Combustion Optics & Lasers

23 Mathematical Modeling: Engineering Control Systems Communication Theory Autonomous Systems Signal Processing Robotics

24 Mathematics: Inverse Problems Scattering Remote Sensing Radar/Sonar/Ultrasound Medical Imaging

25 Mathematics: Dynamics & Chaos Nonlinear Systems Pattern Formation Bifurcation Theory Nonlinear Waves Stochastic Models

26 Mathematics & Information Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Data Mining Information Retrieval

27 Mathematics: Imaging Sciences Image Processing Graphics Animation

28 Mathematics & Codes Cryptography Steganography Digital Signatures

29 Summary Math is Important/Useful/Rewarding 21 st Century needs more mathematicians Numerous career opportunities Many applications

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