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Consumer perception of interface quality, security, and loyalty in electronic commerce 淡江資管所 碩二 李依倫 淡江資管所 碩二 鄭佳容 Chang, H. H. & Chen, S. W. (2009). Consumer.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer perception of interface quality, security, and loyalty in electronic commerce 淡江資管所 碩二 李依倫 淡江資管所 碩二 鄭佳容 Chang, H. H. & Chen, S. W. (2009). Consumer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer perception of interface quality, security, and loyalty in electronic commerce 淡江資管所 碩二 李依倫 淡江資管所 碩二 鄭佳容 Chang, H. H. & Chen, S. W. (2009). Consumer perception of interface quality, security, and loyalty in electronic commerce. Information & Management, 46, 411-417. 2011/04/29

2 The Authors 2011/4/292  Hsin Hsin Chang 張心馨  英國 Bradford 大學管理博士  行銷服務與顧客關係、企業電子化與創新、科技管理與經 營策略  專任教授, 任職於國立成功大學  Su Wen Chen 陳淑雯  國立成功大學企業管理博士  網路行銷、線上商店設計、消費者行為、電子商務  副教授, 任教於 國立屏東商業技術學院

3 Outline  Introduction  Literature review  Research model and hypotheses development  Data analysis and results  Discussions and implications  Conclusions 2011/4/293

4 Introduction  In the context of e-commerce, salespeople are replaced by a customer interface.  Consumer attitudes and beliefs about security have significant effects on the intention to purchase online.  Few studies have examined whether customer interface quality and perceived security affect customer satisfaction and switching costs, and in turn, influence customer loyalty. 2011/4/294

5 Literature review  Customer interface quality  Parasuraman et al. developed a scale with four dimensions (i.e. efficiency of the website, system availability, privacy, and the post-transaction experience).  Bauer et al. used five eTransQual dimensions (functionality/design, enjoyment, process, reliability and responsiveness).  This study primarily focused on the components of customer interface quality that are related to online store atmospherics rather than to the entire online buying experience. 2011/4/295

6 Literature review(Cont.)  Customer interface quality  This paper adopted four components of customer interface quality that deal with its atmosphere:  Convenience  Interactivity  Customization  Character 2011/4/296

7 Literature review(Cont.)  Perceived security  This paper defined perceived security as the extent to which a potential customer believes that the e-commerce website is secure for transmitting sensitive information.  Customer satisfaction  This paper treats customer satisfaction as a cumulative factor. 2011/4/297

8 Literature review(Cont.)  Switching costs  Burnham et al. thought switching costs are not only economic in nature, but can also be psychological and emotional.  This paper defined switching costs as the consumers perceptions of the time, money, and effort associated with changing e-service providers.  Customer loyalty  This paper defined customer loyalty as a customer’s favorable attitude toward an e-commerce website that predisposes the customer to repeat buying behavior. 2011/4/298

9 Research model and hypotheses development  Research model 2011/4/299

10 Research model and hypotheses development(Cont.)  Hypotheses development  Customer interface quality and perceived security  Consumers may use interface quality as a surrogate indicator when forming beliefs about security. H1. Customer interface quality has a significant positive influence on perceived security. 2011/4/2910

11 Research model and hypotheses development(Cont.)  Hypotheses development  Customer interface quality, satisfaction and switching costs  Customer satisfaction toward a website depends primarily on the evaluation of its attributes.  A good website avoids wasting customer time by providing orderly screens, simple search paths, fast and readable presentations, and simple navigation H2. Customer interface quality has a significant positive influence on customer satisfaction. H3. Customer interface quality has a significant positive influence on switching costs. 2011/4/2911

12 Research model and hypotheses development(Cont.)  Hypotheses development  Perceived security, satisfaction and switching costs  Consumers ' attitudes and beliefs about security have had significant effect on their intention to purchase online.  High switching costs are engendered when a customer perceives one e-commerce website as being secure. H4. Perceived security has a significant positive influence on customer satisfaction. H5. Perceived security has a significant positive influence on switching costs. 2011/4/2912

13 Research model and hypotheses development(Cont.)  Hypotheses development  Customer satisfaction, switching costs and loyalty  Customers are satisfied, they believe that a website will deliver what they expect.  The influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty decreases under conditions where high switching costs are perceived by customers. 2011/4/2913 H6. Customer satisfaction has a significant positive influence on customer loyalty. H7. Switching costs have a significant positive influence on customer loyalty. H8. The relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty is weaker when customers perceive higher switching costs.

14 Data analysis and results  Data analysis and results  Analysis of the measurement model  Psychometric properties of measures  Analysis of the SEM  Testing the structural model  Testing the moderating effect of switching costs  Discussions and implications  Conclusions 2011/4/2914

15 Data analysis and results  Data analysis and results  Analysis of the measurement model  Psychometric properties of measures  Analysis of the SEM  Testing the structural model  Testing the moderating effect of switching costs  Discussions and implications  Conclusions 2011/4/2915

16 Data analysis and results Analysis of the measurement model  We first developed the measurement model by conducting confirmatory factor analysis  Conducting confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)  驗證性因素分析  The SEM was then estimated for hypotheses testing  Structural equation model (SEM)  結構方程模式  The models were assessed by the maximum likelihood method using AMOS 5.0  Maximum likelihood method (MLE)  最大概似估計法 2011/4/2916

17  模式配適度分析 Data analysis and results Analysis of the measurement model 平方均值估計殘差根 Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) 又稱為 RMS 、 RMSE 、或自由度偏差。如果 RMSEA ≤0.05 ,代表「好」的模式適配; RMSEA≤0.08 ,都是「適合」的模式, RMSEA 是常用的絕對適配指標( SEM 外在品質) 基準適配指數 Nomed fit index (NFI) 適配度指數 Goodness-of-fit index (GFI) 比較適配指標 Comparative Fit Index (CFI) 理想數值需大於等於 0.9 調整的適配度指標 Adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) 理想數值需大於等於 0.8 NC=( χ 2/df) 來考驗模式適配度,若 NC 值介於 1.0~5.0 之間則代表 χ 2 值可接受, NC 值小於 1.0~2.0 時表測量模式有非常 好的適配度,介於 2.0~3.0 之間表中度 適配,大於 5.0 時表示模式尚未真實反 應觀察資料,適配度不佳。 2011/4/2917

18 Data analysis and results  Data analysis and results  Analysis of the measurement model  Psychometric properties of measures  Analysis of the SEM  Testing the structural model  Testing the moderating effect of switching costs  Discussions and implications  Conclusions 2011/4/2918

19 Data analysis and results Psychometric properties of measures 構念信度 Construct reliability (CR) 平均變異抽取量 Average variance extracted (AVE) 2011/4/2919

20 Data analysis and results  Data analysis and results  Analysis of the measurement model  Psychometric properties of measures  Analysis of the SEM  Testing the structural model  Testing the moderating effect of switching costs  Discussions and implications  Conclusions 2011/4/2920

21 Data analysis and results Analysis of the SEM - Testing the structural model 2011/4/2921

22 Data analysis and results  Data analysis and results  Analysis of the measurement model  Psychometric properties of measures  Analysis of the SEM  Testing the structural model  Testing the moderating effect of switching costs  Discussions and implications  Conclusions 2011/4/2922

23 Data analysis and results Analysis of the SEM - Testing the moderating effect of switching costs  We used a multi-group causal analysis to test the moderating effect of switching costs 2011/4/2923

24 Discussions and implications  Data analysis and results  Analysis of the measurement model  Psychometric properties of measures  Analysis of the SEM  Testing the structural model  Testing the moderating effect of switching costs  Discussions and implications  Conclusions 2011/4/2924

25 Discussions and implications  First, customer interface quality positively affected perceived security, which implied that a well-established website interface could improve customer perceptions of security  顧客介面品質會正向影響安全認知,這意味著一個介面設 計良好的網站可以改善顧客對安全的認知 2011/4/2925

26 Discussions and implications  Second, our study demonstrated that customer interface quality both directly and indirectly influenced customer satisfaction  研究證實顧客介面的品質會直接也會間接影響到顧客滿意 度 2011/4/2926

27 Discussions and implications  These results implied that higher perceived customer interface quality and security could encourage online shoppers to be more loyal, increasing the probability that they will return and repurchase from the e-commerce websites with which they were satisfied  證實高度介面品質與安全度會促使線上購物者更具有忠誠 度, 同時也因為感到滿意而增加回購率 2011/4/2927

28 Discussions and implications  Finally, our study found that switching costs positively moderated the effects of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty  研究發現轉換成本對顧客滿意度與忠誠度這條關係具有正 向的調解效果 2011/4/2928

29 Conclusions  Data analysis and results  Analysis of the measurement model  Psychometric properties of measures  Analysis of the SEM  Testing the structural model  Testing the moderating effect of switching costs  Discussions and implications  Conclusions 2011/4/2929

30 Conclusions  Customer interface quality can increase customer perceptions of security  顧客介面品質會增加安全認知  Customer interface quality and perceived security positively affected customer satisfaction and switching costs, and consequently customer loyalty  顧客介面品質與安全認知會正向影響顧客滿意度、轉換成 本與顧客忠誠度 2011/4/2930

31 Conclusions  Building customer loyalty in e-commerce is difficult; it requires online companies to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Practitioners should consider focusing more on customer interface design as a marketing strategy, particularly in improving customer convenience, interactivity, customization, and character  在電子商務中建立顧客的忠誠度是困難的。它需要使自己 能與其他競爭者有與眾不同的地方。從業人員應當考慮更 加注重顧客介面設計,來作為一種營銷策略,特別是在提 高顧客的便利性,互動性,客製化和特性這四個方面 2011/4/2931

32 Consumer perception of interface quality, security, and loyalty in electronic commerce Q & A 2011/4/2932

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