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Dr. Zita Baužienė Kaunas University of Applied Sciences, Business Management Faculty, Lithuania Salomėja Karasevičiūtė Vytautas Magnus university, Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Zita Baužienė Kaunas University of Applied Sciences, Business Management Faculty, Lithuania Salomėja Karasevičiūtė Vytautas Magnus university, Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Zita Baužienė Kaunas University of Applied Sciences, Business Management Faculty, Lithuania Salomėja Karasevičiūtė Vytautas Magnus university, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Education, Lithuania 2011

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4 The objectives of the research: 4

5 The method of the research: 5

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7 Value 7

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10 Locomotion disorders 10

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12 12 Age group Illnesss 0-34-67-9 10- 14 15-17 Total: TB***145 Tumours211310132077 Malignant tumors 201110111769 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases 2422266228162 Nervous system diseases 8826214125201 Connective tissue and musculoskeletal system diseases 588243176 The formation of congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities 25725113742372 Injury, poisoning and other consequences of external causes 6*5151743 Total:421105912041841005

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15 15 RESARCH RESULTS Nr. Teachers attitudes YesNo Do not know TPTPTP 1. Teachers are not prepared to work together with healthy and movement disorders to have children 5093241266 2. Teachers do not want 523332471620 3. Do not want health children parents 107420137013 4. Do not want children with mobility impairments parents 92028336347 5.School community is not ready to accept children with movement disorders 495023142836

16 16 Nr. Teachers attitudes YesNoNo Do not know 1. Become more sensitive 8884 2. Better understand 10000 3. Want to help 9802 4. More care 8794 5.More confidence8884 6. You care more about their problems 8866 7.Protect them, if necessary9046 8. You will not see their disability 65278 9. Become friend 85015 10. Communication with them make you tired 9829 11.They make you discomfort117811 12.Distrust8611 13.Insecurity10828

17 17 Value Evidence statementsInterpretation Love for human „... I look at how to help, because...“... motivated by the need to love and give...“; Love to the others leads to help people without payment. Sincerity “... I feel like I start to change myself, I get along with being a sincere student of …”; “... I want to achieve a fair, understanding that the student feel the taste of...” When volunteer helps to other, as payment he gets new experience, which is very important for volunteer personal development. Compassion “... I want to make you happy...” “... I understand how difficult and I want him to facilitate his presence …” Making other people happy a volunteer gives personal satisfaction, as his/her existence meaningful. Communicati on ”... I like to communicate, because you can see what wisdom lies deep in his mind …” “... like to communicate....”; “... a great intellectual companion, not mature for their age...” Being together will take opportunity to communicate between persons and it is useful for volunteer and disabled. Together they can see them strength and power. In this kind of meeting develop mutual understanding. Confidence “... trust, because trust me, and openly expresses his opinion…”.. mutual trust... Volunteering promotes mutual trust and open expression of opinion, which encourages children to develop social skills. Care “... difficult when the child does not want to learn it and be convinced that he really needed to learn.. just want to help” “… when a child is not independent, it requires constant care, even while I together with him...” Help relationship causes different feelings. Some times assistant is not sure for helping activities and person with disability do not feel comfortable when he or she can not care by him/herself.

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19 Conclusion 19

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