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Hazardous Waste Initial Training Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management 512-245-3616 June 2010.

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2 Hazardous Waste Initial Training Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management 512-245-3616 June 2010

3 Hazardous Waste Management Why do we have a program? Safety Large Quantity Generator of waste Compliance with regulations “Cradle to Grave” responsibility for the waste

4 What We Don’t Do with Waste  DON’T“ pour it down the sink  DON’T dump it in the dumpster

5 Texas State Waste Management Generator (SAA) Collection (CAA) Offsite Disposal (PSC)

6 Satellite Accumulation Areas

7 What is a SAA? Storage location at or near any point of generation where hazardous waste initially accumulates There are about 40 locations on campus (Science Buildings, Art Buildings, Shops, etc.) Waste Pick Up locations

8 SAA Requirements 1.Compatible Containers/Labeled Correctly We provide you with free containers and labels Requirement: Keep lids on when not transferring liquids

9 SAA Requirements (cont.) 2.Provide secondary containment to protect floor drains.

10 SAA Requirements (cont.) 3. Post Emergency Information 4. Have Spill Control Materials Available

11 Common Questions Is my waste a hazardous waste?  Corrosive, ignitable, toxic  A chemical on EPA’s list  Oil, oily water  Batteries  Fluorescent bulbs  Mercury thermostats  Shop waste (paint, acid, paint rinse water, old gasoline, solvent rags)  Lab waste  Old chemicals  Pesticides, herbicides, old fertilizer  Aerosol cans, compressed gas ***If you don’t know, call our office***

12 What do I do with Empty Containers?  OK to put them in the trash if: The bottle has been rinsed three times (triple rinsed) Write “Empty” on Glass containers, crush metal containers, make them unusable. If there is a 1 inch residue that won’t come out, EHSRM picks up as waste OK to Discard Empty Containers

13 Compressed Gas Cylinders?  Butane, propane bottles Empty if they are at atmospheric pressure. Release all pressure by use or discharge.  Spray Paint

14 Need A Waste Pickup??  Call our office at 245-3616  Or you can submit a Waste Pickup Request Form on our web site:  html html  Respond to the weekly e-mail for waste pickup sent by our office  EHSRM pays for pickup and disposal

15 Waste Characterization  What happens to your waste once it is picked up?  We take it to our Central Accumulation Area (CAA)  We conduct field tests for characterization  We assign a Texas Waste Code to the waste label  We store each waste by its waste code  We keep a weekly pickup inventory and running inventory of the waste in the CAA.

16 Waste Characterization  All wastes are classified as Hazardous or Class 1 Industrial  Examples of Hazardous Waste  acid waste  solvent waste  aqueous waste with metals  Examples of Class 1 Industrial Nonhazardous Waste  latex paint rinse water  molybdenum testing wastewater  photo developer

17 Container Accumulation Area

18 Container Accumulation Area (CAA)  Located in RFMitte Service Yard  Less Than 90-Day Storage (i.e. no permit required)  Engineering Controls and Emergency Equipment Fire Suppression System

19 CAA Engineering Controls and Emergency Equipment  Secondary Containment  Emergency phone numbers posted  Explosion Proof Lighting and Electrical  Controlled Access  Waste separated by type and waste code

20 Container Accumulation Area Emergency Response Equipment Fire Suppression System Spill Supplies Safety Shower

21 Disposal

22 Waste Disposal Procedures Texas State Waste must be shipped at least every 90 days Texas State We send waste inventory to permitted disposal company (PSC Environmental) PSC PSC prepares manifest and packages waste for shipment Incineration, fuel blending, landfill, wastewater treatment

23 Emergency Response Procedures

24 Small Incidental Spill See a small spill Use your spill kit or pads to absorb Place absorbent in a bag Label the bag with a waste tag Call EHSRM for a pickup

25 Non Incidental Spill See a “large” spill Evacuate the room or area Close the door and leave the hood running Call 911 and EHSRM 5- 3616 Give spill details: location, chemicals, amount spilled Stay in area till help arrives to provide more details

26 If 911 Is Called

27 Emergency Response Procedures  EHSRM will assist City of San Marcos Emergency Response  EHSRM will provide internal and external notifications  EHSRM will activate the local response team  EHSRM will activate Response Contractor, if necessary  EHSRM will provide cleanup documentation


29 Training  Required for people working with hazardous waste  Must be provided by qualified personnel  Initial Training followed by an annual update training  Must be documented

30 Training  EHSRM provides training through  TRACS  Onsite instruction  Classroom instruction at our office

31 Training  Training records are maintained at the EHSRM office  Maintained for three years after an employee leaves  Open for review by TCEQ field inspectors

32 Questions?  Contact EHSRM at 245-3616 or  Check our website at:  Proceed to next slide for test procedure

33 Program Test Reminder  Now proceed to the “Assessment” link to take the ten question test.  This must be done in order to complete the training.  You must pass with a 70% or greater.

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